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Marley is thrown into a full blown coughing fit, which lasts about thirty seconds, before he's finally able to recover enough to wipe the tears from his eyes. His attention turns to Nero almost immediately after he composes himself.

Marley doesn't know what he expected, but it's definitely not the anger currently twisting up Nero's handsome features.

Marley puts his juice box down, spotting Sushi from the corner of his eye. Sometimes he really wishes he was a fish. No worries, just eat and play with bubbles until you die in like three years. What a life.

"What the fuck?" Nero asks. Marley winces.

He knows that anger isn't directed at him for once, since Nero had been all gentle and tentative just a few minutes ago. Marley decides that if he's going down there he might as well get it over as soon as possible, so he changes into a hoodie and two pairs of sweatpants, grabbing his blanket and wrapping it around himself. He pulls his hood over his head and turns to make his way to the door, but finds an obstacle.

It's Nero. Nero is the obstacle.

"What's going on?" Nero asks. He's standing a few feet away from Marley, who's just finished putting his shoes on.

Marley shakes his head, feeling jittery and a little light headed. He's having a hell of a week and if he stops to think about it too long, he'll probably have a break down. Obviously, that's the last thing he needs Nero to see. "I-I don't know."

Marley isn't in trouble, right? He hasn't done anything wrong! Aside from sneaking out, of course, but he's not the only one doing that. If he was being punished for that then wouldn't the others be coming along with him?

Nero leans down, getting his height even with Marley's. He studies Marley for a moment, locking their eyes. Marley once found the red to be intimidating and scary, but it's turned into a comfort he's never found in anyone else before.

Red is Marley's favorite color.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Nero asks.

Marley hesitates—of course he does, he doesn't like lying to Nero. Unfortunate, since he seems to do it a lot. "I'll be fine," Marley replies. It's a bold faced lie and they both know it. Marley averts his eyes for a second, and when he looks back, Nero has a strange look on his face.

Marley frowns. He's never seen that look on anyone before, especially not Nero. It's... soft. Comforting.

"Then good luck," Nero finally wishes. His voice is quiet, strange because he's always spoken with such conviction.

Marley nods, and Nero walks away, so he takes that as his cue to head down there. He knows where Olucard's office is. Of course he does, everyone here knows that. It has its own separate building and a label by the door that says Director Olucard on it.

Marley is a bundle of nerves, something that surprises no one. Anybody would be nervous going to meet the guy that runs a place like this. Probably not as bad as being related to the guy that is the reason these places exist—AKA Marley himself—but it's still quite an event. Marley doesn't want to do this.

That's really the only thought going through his mind as he walks down the hallways and across the courtyard to his doom. It's a crazy thought, but he wishes Nero could have gone with him. He would be a lot calmer than he is now with the man here. Sure, the keychain in his hand right now is doing its part, but maybe it's just not enough anymore.

Marley sighs, finally reaching the fake wooden door that leads to the Building of Doom. Marley pushes it open before he can talk himself into running away, and is met with a hallway. There are three doors in it, and two chairs beside the one furthest from Marley.

Atelo [MXM] [BOOK 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now