Maybe I rushed things.
Did things I shouldn't have, totally responsible for my dilemmas.
Ignored the things I should've done, did the things I should've ignored.
Regret the things I did do.
I'm just stupid after all, thinking it's not my fault.
I'm just human,
Not a freaking bot.
What best defines a human better than stupid.
We learn, unlearn, relearn and yet never learn.
You look down, condescending. I look up, yearning, which do you think is better then?
I am human and I'm no different from you,
But if you think yourself different, then ask yourself "what are you?"
Soulful Art
PoetryComprising of various poems, in no particular order, I hope u guys love it. I hope this book reaches you in any way possible, and I hope its not too shabby.... your votes and comments matters a lot.....Love you guys