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Authors Note: Hi everyone! I hope you're all well. Thanks for checking out my story. Just a quick note, constructive criticism is appreciated, but please no mean or rude comments (they will be deleted). Sorry for any typos or misspellings, I try my hardest to fix them when I see them. Thank you for reading, please enjoy!

*Dialogue's not one hundred percent the same as the show just so you all know.

Copyright: I do not own or claim to own Chicago Fire or any of its characters.

*And for anyone else who's a huge Brett and Casey fan like me, don't forget to check out my other Brett and Casey stories (which can be found on my profile) and my B&C Community and Forum I have created on Fanfiction.

Enjoy, and please don't forget to tell me what you thought!

"Woah, what was that noise?" Asked Foster as she and Brett stepped out of the ambulance.

Brett quickly made her way around Engine Fifty-One and stopped when she saw Casey and Gallo getting up off the ground.

"Brett, we need you to look at this guy, he was tossed to the ground with Casey and Gallo when the explosion happened?" Yelled Herrmann as he helped the man who made the call walk over to Brett.

"Got it." Called Brett before she watched Casey and his team make their way into the burning townhouse.

Brett waited and waited for them all to come out. She had never felt so relieved when she saw Casey and his team make their way out with the little girl. 'Why was I so worried about Casey?' Thought Brett as she finally got the little girl named, Lucy stable in the back of the ambulance that was headed to med.

They were lucky they got her there when they did. Brett found out from Gallo, when he arrived back at the firehouse, that Lucy had to be put in a medically induced coma due to having second and third-degree burns all over her body.

Brett knew Gallo was having a hard time with this one just by the look on his face. She was just about to go see if he was okay when she was interrupted by the adoption intermediary giving her something from her birth mother.

'What do I do?' Thought Brett as she stood there holding the envelope the man had just given her. 'Do I throw it away? What if I open it and it and it changes everything?' Brett suddenly took off and went in search of the only person she felt she could bring this to.

"Busy?" Asked Brett as she knocked on Casey's already-open office door.

Casey looked up from his paperwork and turned his seat to face her, "Not at all. Come in."

Brett quickly closed his office door before she came to stand in front of him and hold up the envelope, "The of..the adoption intermediary that I've been ignoring he's really persistent."

"What's that?" Asked Casey as he pointed at the envelope.

"It's a letter...or something from her."

Casey raised his eyebrows.

"I think that's her handwriting." Whispered Brett as she stared at the envelope she was still holding in her hands.

Casey continued to stare at Brett in front of him. He wasn't really sure what to say at the moment.

Brett suddenly held the envelope in front of Casey, "You have to throw this away for me."

Casey then looked at Brett like she was crazy, "Really?"

"Yeah, I...I tried and I can't do it." Said Brett as she continued to hold the envelope out for Casey to take.

"Are you sure?"

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