My Story As A Reader And A Writer

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As a child who never went to preschool: I never had the chance to learn how to read, write, or speak English. I was born in a Japanese Family: I only heard Japanese and the first work I ever said was in Japanese (For those who want to know it's ebi). 

But my life changed in Kindegarten when I was enrolled into a ELA class. The ELA teacher was a scary *haha she's not. She's the best teacher in teh world* woman who was fondly called Ms. Arita. She trained me through baby books and so I was thrown into a whole new world: but I soon mastered the skill called English. 

From there I started to read many books: by first grade I finished a Goosebumps book (which scared me half to death) and "Despereax" (Which I loved). My mother encouraged me to read many of her books such as "Assault and Berret" or "Death of a Gypsy" and I soon enough fell in love with literature. I started a book club, I go to the library every week, I soon became a reader at schools which makes people say "Woah! Cookie Cream Matthew is a wierdo!" I love mysteryies and classics. I recently finished reading "Rebel" and "The Grace Year" and I just have one comment: I LOVE YA Genre books! 

A few years ago (approx. 6 years) I got hooked into fanfiction (Especially the Percy Jackson Ones).  I soon got involved in writing: Wattpad, Pixev, Google Docs: and hope that one day one of my works are published world-wide. I am planning to get a job as a middle school english teacher in Hawaii ( It might be nice to quote random Shakespeare plays in the midde of class confusing students) or become a certified librarian for a public library also in Hawaii! 

Thank you for reading my story! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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