Chapter 6

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He shoves me into the fireplace. It leads to one of my favorite secret tunnels. "OK. Here goes." Zach said.

"Get on with it Zachary!" I said, "Just tell me. It can't be THAT bad." I remember who I'm talking to."Can it?"

"ImayormaynothavesortakindabeathimupinP&Eandthentoldhimwhythenthreatenedhimintonottelling."He said in one breath. H stared at me holding his breath and waiting for my response.

"WHAT!?!?!?!?" I whisper-yelled.

"Just kidding. Kinda. But I had you there didn't I?" he said flashing that smirk.

I punch his shoulder half playing and half not. "C'mon! What'd you do?"

" I just yelled at him. but he won't do it again." he hesitates a moment, "on a totally unrelated note, would McHenry need a study partner next Tuesday around 6-ish?"

" I could talk her into it. Why?"

" I promised James I'd get her to spend about 2 hours with her."


"Why 'Oh'?"

"Because me and Macy usually spend about 3 hours studying and such." i say half-smiling. " You think he'll survive that long with a real live girl? Maybe at about 4-ish? To 7-ish?"

"Hmmmm....I shall prepare him!" He said in a mock-knightly way.

"k. I'll tell her. Just go with whatever I say. Promise?", I said, a plan already brewing in my mind.

"sure. Promise..

"Gallagher Swear?"


"Swear on the sword or Gillian Gallagher?."

"Sure. I swear on the sword of Gillian Gallagher."

"Ok. Later, Blackthorne Boy."

"Till tomorrow, Gallagher Girl."

Since Zach agreeed to anything I chose to tell Macy, I decide to tell her we have another study date. I also tell her that she will have to study with James that day. She immediatley starts planning my hair and outfit,and begins to ask questions about lip gloss shade and hairstyle corresponding. One of the new 7th graders wanted to dye my hair, and i promised she could. Her and Macy began to coordinate my outfit to the color. Since Macy went with dark colors, we go with a maroon-ish kinda color on my hair.Macy picked out a purple tank top with one of her leather jackets, and Bex's black and purple pants. This'll scare the crap out of him, I thought, he's only ever seen me in light colors and the uniform. I was ready.

I really hoped Zach hadn't forgotten since our meeting; I hadn't seen him since. I let Macy work on my hair, which was currently being yanked left and right. She ended up pulling it into a high pony and braiding the hair sticking out down. "Are you sure I'll survive your "preparing" long enough to get to the study date?" I asked.

"Wimp." was her reply.

"Geeze Macy. No need to insult wimps everywhere." said a voice. All the yanking Macy was doing on my hair must've slowed my thinking process or something.

"Hey, Bex," Macy said.

"Hi Bex." i said. "Could you please tell Macy to stop yanking my hair out?"


"Where's Liz? Shouldn't she be figuring out the probability of Zach hugging me or something?"

"I don't know."

"Hold still!" Macy cut in.


Bex moved in front of me. " Do you think you're ready?"

"NO. I was ready BEFORE Macy decided to yank my hair out."

"Chill. And stop talking, I'm about to do your lip gloss."

"NOt today you can't."

" Why not?"

"Because Zach's here."

"Yeah right. " There was a knock at the door.

"I got it." Bex said. She opened the door.

"Hey Gallagher Girl. You ready?"

"Yes." Macy said.


A/N Hey, sorry it's short, I'll update soon. I'm a horribly slow typer, but it'll be soon, like before May 10th. Shout out to TFIOS fans, I'm gonna do something that alwaysfreetolive will kill me for, if you know what I mean. Love you all!!!

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