Bitch I'm fabulous

53 8 4

GBF (Gay Best Friend)

Almost every girl wants one...

But do they ever realize, that not every gay guy is those stereotypical people who talk a certain way, dress with the "latest fashion" or will take you on a shopping spree

I remember I use to think like that.....

Then reality hits LIKE A BITCH

I myself have a friend that's into the same gender he is, but he does not act like the stereotypical gay guy

He is very nice and helpful a lot, but other than that, he won't take me on shopping sprees or tell me "Guurl you gonna be bitchin' today"
*snaps fingers*
He is a genuine good friend I have

I'm gonna admit, I wish I had a GBF that fits the stereotype sometimes, I mean it would be mother effing awesome but that's just not the way it is, and SOME PEOPLE NEED TO REALIZE THAT -.-

To put this in simpler terms, not every gay guy is "fabulous."

We can't ever have a guy come out as gay and a bunch of girls are like "OMFG CAN WE BE BEST FRIENDS?? ARE YOU GONNA TAKE ME SHOPPING??!"

No, calm your tits and shut the fuck up.

I really hate stereotypes sometimes. They're annoying as shit.
Now go my fellow wattpadians, back into your lives of the wonderful land of Netflix and food. And be sure to avoid stereotypes and if somebody judges you because of a stereotype, GIVE DEM DAT MIDDLE FINGER THAT LOVES IT'S TIME TO SHINE :p

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