Sucky ass partners

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Ugh I have to sit next to this guy in History I want to drop kick him in the face SO BAD

Tbh I usually got good partners but NOPE, THANKS, I GOT A FUCKING PERFECT PARTNER WOW

Usually girls (some) get that really hot partner or whatever but nope, I've just gotten girl or meh partners.

I despise that son a b so much though

Like his voice OH MY GOD HIS VOICE IS SO IRRITATING IT SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE'S STRANGLING HIM LIKE BRUH STFU OMF and his annoying ass personality and his obnoxiousness ugh

And no, he doesn't like me he does this to like everyone so

I'm glad he'll be gone in like a week tho, in history we change partners every new chapter but for now I'll have to deal with this bitch -.-


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