Really .__.

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Okay this is one of the 934,475,102 things that piss me off. This is has been pissing me off lately.

"I'm a girl and I have more guy friends because I can't stand girls they're all bitchy and I only play video games and I hate makeup your so fake if you wear it and dresses make you slutty and I hate being girly tomboy is so awesome
:3 *insert video game profile pic*"

(I exaggerated it obviously)

I'm sorry, but this makes me want to explode like a volcano sometimes.

Let me say that there is NOTHING wrong with being a tomboy, but you don't have to motherfucking ANNOUNCE IT TO THE WORLD THAT YOU'RE SO DIFFERENT AND YOU'RE SUCH A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE (right like a million other girls say the same shit) yeah, it's okay to have guy friends and blah de blah whatever shit, but it's the girls who do this all for the MALE ATTENTION AND THEY WANT TO BE SO DIFFERENT BECAUSE THEY'RE THE MOST MOTHERFUCKING RAREST JEWEL IN THE WORLD

I'm sorry if I'm offending you, but this is my opinion so I SAY WHAT I WANT IT'S A RANT BOOK (and other random shit book) FOR A REASON EVEN THOUGH RANT BOOKS (now every author is complaining) THAT THEY'RE A TREND AND "I remember being like the first rant book lol" but that's for another time. BACK TO THE TOPIC

It just seems to me that nowadays in society (which society can go fuck itself, yeah yeah I know I'm a part of society, whatever at least I'm not the horrible part. I keep on getting off topic) that being a tomboy is so acceptable, and if you're feminine or whatever your most likely deemed as slutty or bitchy (not all the time) but some girls try so hard to be so butch or masculine or tomboyish or WHATEVER and it irks me. What's wrong with makeup? Yeah it's not your real face, and natural is great but makeup is an art (to me) and you can do tricks and tips to people. And honestly, most (or all) girls DO NOT wear makeup for guys. What the fuck. What if, say, I ACTUALLY DID FOR MYSELF? *gasp* What's wrong with dresses? Yeah, it may not be comfortable sometimes but some girls like to wear dresses. You don't have to judge it so much. I might seem judge mental right now, but honestly, it's a part of human nature to be judgemental. It's okay to. Just not ALL THE TIME trying to pick and tear at other people. Anyways, girls can be great friends too!
"Yeah but like they cause so much drama and like guys are so down to earth"
Uh, guys can be pretty dramatic too. And you're over generalizing. Not ALL girls can be dramatic. And maybe, just maybe, *gasp* you're the problem? :O
Maybe you're just not giving some girls a chance.
"Well where I live all the girls are bitches"
Well that's where you live. Not every girl is like that wherever you live.

Guys, what I'm pretty much saying is that you don't have to shame your own gender. And it's okay to have more friends of the opposite gender. But you don't have to flaunt it, expecting so much praise and approval. Just, ugh I hope this made sense. This is just my opinion. K bye.

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