Arc 1 - Episode 3: Mysterious Foe

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Y/N has now learned how to control his energy properly, though he still has yet to achieve the form of Super Saiyan. Goku and Vegeta push the hybrid to the extreme, he is still far from unlocking his true potential.

But their training session was put on hold due to an anonymous energy appearing, this energy the three warriors have sensed, this energy was pure dark energy. The thought that the hybrid had, was this energy could be the darkness entering this universe.

Y/N feels confident with both of his mentors there to confront this mysterious foe, though this confidence will be tested when they meet their new opponent. This battle will test the skills of our hero Y/N.

Episode 3: Mysterious Foe


The three warriors flew over to where the powerful energy was sensed at, but while looking around they could see the senseless destruction around the area. Y/N looked down in horror to see a village destroyed, this is the first time he had seen such atrocity. The hybrid felt intense anger building up, Y/N clenched his fists tightly drawing blood from his palms.

Y/N: "What kind of monster would do this?! Whoever did this is gonna pay!"

Vegeta: "Strange that such energy would just vanish like that unless this was a trick to get us here."

Goku: "Keep your guard up! Whoever it is, they're still here!"

Both Goku and Vegeta were grabbed by the leg and both of them were falling to the ground at intense speeds while Y/N looked at them. He saw a large figure who was flying down at incredible speeds; once the dark figure made it to the ground he slammed both the Saiyans into the ground causing both of them to scream in pain.

The dark shadow creature grabbed Goku by the throat which Goku had a good look at the person's face, this person was a male who had a mask on like the Masked Man Y/N saw. But the mask was cracked showing the man's left eye as his eye was radiating purple.

The man punched Goku up into the sky, the large man flew up to Goku to grab him again but he stopped mid-flight. What caused him to stop was Y/N who kicked him in the gut causing the man to stagger. He looked at Y/N with rage, only he could see his one eye and all the hybrid could see was pure rage.

The man punched Y/N in the face causing him to flinch but he was grabbing onto his face and then he started to drag him across a wall causing Y/N to scream in pain. Vegeta and Goku both recover, seeing the scene play out Vegeta shot a ki blast at the mysterious man causing him to look at Vegeta.

The man tossed Y/N to the ground then he flew up at Vegeta, once he got up there tried punching Vegeta in the stomach but the prince kicked the man in the gut. Then Vegeta's hair turned blue and his eyes as well, Vegeta's aura was emitting from his body more intensely as he started down the man.

Vegeta: "You may have caught me off guard but now you'll have to deal with a Super Saiyan Blue."

The man didn't seem to be fazed by this sudden transformation, Vegeta then punched the man face cracking the mask even more. This punch sent the man flying into a mountain in which a loud crash was heard throughout the area. Vegeta was just smirking, he then extends his arm out and his palm was pointing in the direction of the mountain. A large energy ball formed in front of Vegeta's palm that kept growing in size.

Hero Of Reality (Kryptonian/Saiyan Hybrid Reader x Multiverse) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now