Chapter 8

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"Good morning, you cabbage-head." Merlin smacked his lips together and kneaded Arthur's upper arm to try and wake him up more. The prince yawned loudly, stretching out his sore muscles.

"Good morning, Merlin." Ah, he was in a fairly good mood. He took his knee to his chest. "Why is everything stiff?"

"Because you fell asleep on a log." Merlin rubbed the nape of his neck.




The other two woke up after Merlin and Arthur had eaten and packed up to continue their journey to Ealdor. They arrived right before midday, and reached the center of town.

"Can we visit Hunith?" Merlin asked, putting his head under Arthur's armpit. He was still riding on the horse behind Arthur.

"That's why we're here. And, Lancelot and Gwaine are visiting friends."

"Arthur, thank you."

"Hey, it wasn't my idea. It was yours."

"Thank you anyway." Merlin wrapped his arms tighter around Arthur's chest. Lance and Gwaine had went to the lower part of town, while Merlin and Arthur went to the upper to see Merlin's mother, Hunith.

"Mum!" Merlin walked through the door and into the small kitchen, which smelled like fresh herbs and bread.

"Merlin! Arthur!" Hunith took both Merlin and Arthur in a one-armed hug, trying not to get flour from her hands on either of them.

"What are you baking?" Merlin asked, looking in the fireplace.

"Bread. What are you doing here?" She asked, eyes crinkling while she smiled.

"It's your birthday soon, and Arthur insisted on me seeing you." Merlin explained.

"Oh, I should've cleaned up a bit more; get the old straw pallet out for you, Merlin."

"No, it's fine. I can sleep on the floor. Arthur can have my bed." Arthur looked rather nervous.

"Merlin, you're almost twenty-two. You can share a bed with Arthur, you're so lanky."


"Merlin, I'm not arguing. Arthur isn't that much older than-he's only twenty-four. He won't mind, do you Arthur?"

"Uh, no! No, Merlin can share a bed with me." He patted Merlin on the back. Hunith grinned widely, then went back to kneading dough.

"Do you need help?" Merlin put his bag on the ground.

"Arthur! Why don't you help me with this loaf? Merlin, just stay out of trouble."

"Uhm, uh yes! Yes, alright." Arthur went over to the large, wooden table where Hunith was standing.

"Okay, put a little flour on your hands." She sprinkled some flour into Arthur's palms, while Merlin stood back and laughed.

"The future king of Camelot; forced to bake a loaf of bread with my mother."

"Shut up, Merlin."

"Hey! Both of you!" Hunith glared at them. "Now, take the dough and roll it into a ball." She demonstrated on her pile of dough, making a perfect sphere. Arthur tried to do the same, but it ended up looking nothing like hers.

"How did you-" Arthur said, aghast.

"Now, take some oil and put it at the bottom of the pan." She pulled a large, wooden bottle out of a cupboard and set it on the table in front of Arthur, popping out the cork keeping it fresh. Arthur tipped the bottle practically upside down, and olive oil splashed onto the pan and everywhere around it.

"Arthur!" Hunith plucked the bottle out of his hands and used a cloth to get off most of the liquid on the outside of it. She put it back in the cupboard and sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "How many times have you baked something?"

"Uh, once or uh...twice." He said, reminiscing.

"See? Maybe you could learn something while you're here. How long are you staying here?"

"A week or two at the least. My father said we could stay until I am needed back at his side."

"I have to share a bed with him for a week? I've seen how he sleeps! He's tossing and turning and rolling and-" Merlin complained.

"Ah! Unless Arthur doesn't want to share a bed with you, you're sharing." Hunith pointed a flour-covered finger at Merlin. "Arthur, do you mind?"

"I don't know how Merlin sleeps; for all I know, he's worse than me."

"Well, I don't know. He definitely is a light sleeper, though. Just the slightest noise will wake him." Arthur looked at Merlin with a smug smile.

"I'll share with him, it's fine."


"Merlin, I'm not arguing with you." Hunith plopped the two spheres of dough into two different pans, pressing on into Arthur's hands.

"Come, we'll put it to bake." She walked over to the small fire burning in the fireplace, Arthur sauntering behind. She kneeled down, placing the worn metal pan on the stone floor. She put a small iron table over the flames.

"The hell is that?" Arthur asked.

"Arthur!" Merlin's eyes widened, expecting his mother to yell at him.

"Arthur, that's what we cook on. The iron heats up, and stays hot even after the flames die out."

"Ah." Arthur winked at Merlin before turning back to the fire.

"Here. Put yours on this side." She pointed to the right side.

"Okay-ow!" He put his pan on the iron, but burnt his hand while doing so.

"Arthur, are you okay?" Merlin had gotten up from where he was leaning on the wooden table.

"Of course, Merlin." He said through his teeth. Merlin grabbed his hand.

"It's just a little burn."

"Yes, Merlin. I can see that."

"Okay, now. Come here." Hunith got up and grasped Arthur's wrist, pulling him across the kitchen. "Here. In." She put a wooden bucket filled with water on the table in front of him, and pointed to it. Arthur begrudgingly stuck his hand in the cool water.

"Thank you." He motioned to the bucket."

"See? Isn't that better?" He took his hand out, and Merlin handed him a light brown cloth.

"Yes, I uh-"

"You two, I'm going to the market for meat. I may not be back for a couple hours. I suppose you can occupy yourselves for a little while." Hunith collected her bag and scarf, and kissed both Merlin and Arthur on the cheek.

"Bye, mum!" Merlin called after she closed the door.

"What are we going to do?" Arthur said with a sly smile.

"Oh, I think you know what."

"I think you do too."

"Mmhmm." Merlin hummed, wrapping an arm around Arthur's neck. Arthur leaned in closer, his eyelashes brushing against Merlin's cheek.

"Yeah, you're going to show me all over the town." Arthur spoke against Merlin's face, his breath warm and moist on his skin.

"No, that's not going to happen." He laughed, crinkling his nose.

"What were you thinking then?" Arthur asked, looking at Merlin, his eyes flickering up and down his neck and chest.

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