HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS | Teacher! Kyoujurou X Student! Reader

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EDIT: I thought I don't have to specify this, but— college au! Reader is over 18 years old here, we do not stan p*dophilia in this house. Also the title of the story was just a reference to Melanie Martinez song, it has nothing to do with the plot.

Word count: 1063


⠀The (h/c)-haired female were asleep in her seat. Her arms were folded and was on the table, she placed her head onto of it. She was tired and sleepy because she pulled an all-nighter doing assignments and study for exam. She drifted off to dream land but the teacher had noticed that she was sleeping in class. The teacher stopped on his teaching, his attention was now on the female student that were asleep in the class.

⠀He sighed before making his way towards one of his student. The whole class slowly became noisy, whispers and giggles can be heard in the background. He coughed, trying to wake her up but it doesn’t seem to work.

⠀“(L/n)-chan!” he called her quite loudly which woke the girl up.

⠀She jolted in her seat, her (e/c) orbs met his orange-red ones. Her cheeks heaten up due to her embarrassment.

⠀“So, (L/n)-chan, why do you sleep in my class?” he asked, his bright smile not leaving his lips even though she knew, he was upset for her slacking off in his class.

⠀This worsen her blush. Almost everyone knows that (Y/n) has a crush on him. It was a forbidden love since no one would approve a teacher and their student to be in love with each other. But there (Y/n) is, she can’t help falling in love with her teacher. The rumors of you having a crush on Kyoujurou have spreaded, even most of the teacher heard about it too. Some chose to believe, some didn’t. They just thought it could be a gossip which actually is not.

⠀The (h/c)-haired female stood up in her seat before you bowed as she replied, “I’m sorry, Rengoku-sensei! I have to finish a lot of assignments and study for a lot of exams so I only got two hours of sleep! I promise I won’t do it again!”

⠀“Hmm... Alright! I’ll let it slide this time! But next time, you will receive your punishment! And one more thing, I want to discuss something with you so I expect you to stay in class after the bell rings! Alright, let’s get back to the topic!” he exclaimed before walking away from her seat.

⠀More whispers and giggles occurred in the background. She sat down as she began to feel nervous more and more. She was afraid that he will call her parents and tell them that their child was sleeping in a class. She knew her parents would not be delighted to hear such news.

⠀Long short story, the bell rang. Every students has left the classroom, well, except (Y/n). She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, being nervous as ever. Kyoujurou noticed this so he made his way towards her. His bright smile was painted on his beautiful face and he was folding his arms — as usual. He took a chair in front of your seat, turning it around before he sat on it.

⠀“So, (L/n)-chan, why have you been spacing off in class? You usually are the student that will always pay attention, in fact, you’re my best student. But lately, you have been spacing off in class, sleeping in class, you would just stare out the window. I know something is bothering you, I know you want to tell me something. You can trust me about your problems. Have someone been bullying you?” he asked, this time his voice wasn’t that energetic, it was more serious and deep.

⠀The smaller female looked down at her feet as she replied, “No! No one have been bullying me, Rengoku-sensei! I-I was just getting less sleep lately,”

⠀His fiery orange-red eyes examined her for a moment and he immediately knew she was lying, he shifted in his seat as he said, “So, (L/n)-chan, are the rumors true?”

⠀The said female jolted in her seat, her head shot up which caused her (e/c) orbs to meet his orange-red ones. D-does the rumors reached him? She didn’t answer but gulped, her hands were shaking slightly. She was panicking, she doesn’t know what to say to him. If I confirmed those rumors, Rengoku-sensei would start avoiding me and we will be very awkward, she thought.

⠀“(L/n)-chan, I was asking you a question. It would be rude to ignore your teacher. Is it true?” he repeated himself.

⠀She opened her mouth to talk but quickly shuts down when her courage faded. Instead, she just nodded slowly before she stared down to her feet again, placing her soft delicate hands on her thighs. Her cheeks began to heat up again due to embarrassment. Does this count as a confession? Hmm, maybe. Kyoujurou was taken aback with her nodding before he let out a laugh. This worsen (Y/n)’s embarrassed state. After a moment, Kyoujurou’s laugh faded and was replaced with his bright smile.

⠀“You’re very adorable, (L/n)-chan! Here,” he suddenly leaned forward, pecking both of her cheeks. Then, he pulled his head back as he added, “There. You can call me Kyoujurou when no one’s around, I’ll call you by your first name too, (Y/n)-chan. And I like you too— no, love you too!”

⠀(Y/n) was frozen in her spot. She was shocked to receive a positive reaction from Kyoujurou. She didn’t expect for him to have feelings for her too. And by the time (Y/n) spaced out, her face was as red as tomato. She was flustered and happy and also embarrassed.

⠀“K-Kyoujurou-san...” she tested his name on her tongue which made Kyojuro’s heart race, hearing his first name rolled out of her mouth. “Does this mean we’re together now?” she asked, her voice was soft and soothing, Kyoujurou couldn’t help but falling deeper for the female in front of him.

⠀“If you want to, (Y/n)-chan!”

⠀“O-of course I want to—!” she was cutted off by Kyoujurou suddenly pinning her to the table behind her.

⠀“K-Kyoujurou-san, what a-are you doing?” she weakly squeaked, he suddenly connected his lips with hers.

⠀She was obviously confused by his sudden movements and needs. But she returned the kiss anyway. Enjoying every second of the moment. Let’s just say, things get a bit messy here ;)


A/N: I actually already posted this on my Tumblr and on Erunaa’s account, but, I thought it would be good to share this here. So I did! I hope you like this! (^‿^✿)

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