2. Improv Games

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That morning class was quite possibly the most fun I'd had since starting at college. To ease us back into the year, and to help us get to know our new teacher, we had a very chilled out lesson. A mixture of funky improv games, broken up by deep discussions, and general messing about. To begin with my anxiety got the better of me and I stayed quiet, but by the third round of 'Gibberish Expert' I was in tears from laughing and felt right at home within the group. Me and Quinn went head to head in an intense game of 'Questions Only', I kicked ass at 'Ninjas', and proudly managed to baffle everyone with my albeit limited French in a new game about a taxi.

I don't think I ever stopped smiling throughout those three hours, and as I caught glimpses of Ethan, I don't think he did either. I had been so worried about the prospect of a new teacher, and yet already I adored this man. His energy was unparalleled and after the first class of the year it seemed that he'd quickly developed a soft spot for us. Not to say that I didn't miss Matt with every fibre of my being, but Ethan was a more than suitable replacement.

As the lesson drew to a close, we were given fifteen minutes to just wind down, and catch our breath as we'd all been in complete hysterics after a few dodgy German accents, and Sarah forcing the whole group to attempt the worm... Quinn had dashed off to a meeting with his English tutor, so I sat in my usual corner, pulling a script out of my bag for a play that I was performing in a couple of weeks. I had most of my lines learnt but it wouldn't hurt to keep going through them in preparation for our last few rehearsals.

"Whatcha got there?" I whipped my head up to see Ethan smiling down at me, and a blush crept across my cheeks.

"Oh, uh, it's a play I've got coming up. It's called 'Stuff'." I smiled awkwardly.

"Sounds interesting, when's it on?" He seemed genuinely intrigued as he sat next to me.

"A week on Thursday and Friday." Worry laced my voice as I was always nervous when I had performances coming up.

"I'll have to come and see it!" He beamed, pulling out his phone and making a note. "E-mail me the information?"

"Yeah, sure, I'll do that." I stuttered out, amazed by his enthusiasm.

"Awesome, I can't wait." He ruffled my hair gently, before standing up and dismissing everyone.

My heart pounded in my chest as I gathered my things and headed swiftly to the door, turning around one last time to see Ethan grinning at me. Okay, what the fuck is happening here...

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