10. Zip Zap Zop

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I hate theory lessons. Well, I do and I don't. I enjoy the fact that they're fairly casual and I get to chat senselessly with my friends, but theory work itself is the bane of my life. Sometimes it just doesn't sit right with me and I always let it just build up until I'm overwhelmed. Deadlines? I don't know them. I pretend I do not see. Not today Satan, not today. That said, it was the beginning of a new year so maybe this time I'd get on top of it all and not let it slowly kill me off. Maybe.

"Alright guys!" Ethan chirped cheerily after rattling through the register. "First theory class of the year, we're just gonna handle the administrative stuff, then chill a little. Sound good?"

A wave of relief washed over me as the class all mumbled and nodded in agreement. I don't know what I was expecting – Ethan's too laid back to throw essays at us in week one – but still a small smile spread across my face, safe in the knowledge that I probably wouldn't break down at my computer today.

It was indeed a simple session, comprising mostly of setting up Microsoft Teams on our phones, setting targets for the year, and briefly going over the units we'd be covering in the next months. In fact, we were done with the best part of an hour left of the lesson, and so we ended up stood in a loose circle playing a highly competitive game of Zip Zap Zop. If you messed up you were out, and soon it was down to just five of us: me, Jessie, Charles, Bella, and Ethan. I was starting to work up a sweat, but I was far too stubborn to give up without a good fight. This was no longer a game, it was war... The invisible ball of energy was ricocheting around the circle at lightning speed and no one was letting up, until Charles called 'zip' instead of 'zop'. Then there were four. Bella was out next. Then we lost Jessie, leaving just me and Ethan. If I wasn't so focused on the game, I probably would've noticed my heart pounding in my chest for reasons other than the situation's intensity. Be it far in the back of my mind, I was still thinking about the small crisis I'd had the previous night. 'I don't have a crush on Ethan' I mentally reassured myself as we prepared for the 'zip zap zop off'. We stood back to back, and a shiver crept up my spine as I felt his warmth against my shoulders, but I shook it off.

"1, 2, 3..."

We took steps forward as Ali called out.

"4, 5, 6..."

I smirked to myself, thinking back on every time I'd kicked ass at this game.

"7, 8, ZIP ZAP!"

We both spun round launching our arms forward and yelling 'ZOP'. It was a photo finish, but Ali had the last word.

"Jamie wins!" She announced, flashing me a smile as she did so.

"Yes! I never lose!" I laughed almost maniacally as I punched the air.

"No... I've been bested. Overthrown!" Ethan clutched his chest, falling to the ground dramatically.

I couldn't help but laugh at him as I walked across the room and offered him a hand up.

"No one beats Jamie at competitive Zip Zap Zop," I explained pulling him up, "no one."

"We'll see about that darling." He winked before stepping aside to address the class once more. "Right, anyone for Questions Only?"

"Oh fuck..." I whispered to myself as a blush spread across my cheeks. Maybe, just maybe, I did feel for him in a less than professional way? But it had been less than a week, I couldn't possibly know. I was just all emotionally confused and overwhelmed with all these changes. We'd just got back, and we had a new tutor, a new timetable, new projects. I was just too excited, that's all.

I pushed all those thoughts back as I launched myself back into the games, waving off Jessie and Ali as they raised their eyebrows at me. I didn't have the time or energy for that kind of self-psychoanalysis right now, I had improv games to excel at.

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