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Edward had just finished setting up his apartment in Starling city. He was currently sitting at his desk planning out his next move. He had to lure her away from Queen but how? How would he go about doing it? A plan started to form in his head. A smile spread across his face. All he would have to do is hack into Queens security system. Yes it was a perfect plan. "I'll see you soon darling" he said to himself as he began to hack into Queens security system.

Haven sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. She let out a sigh. Just her luck that she would be stuck in this mess again.  This time though she was weaker. She was broken. It was while she was deep in thought that Oliver walked in. "Hey you ok?" He asked taking a seat next to her.

"Yeah I guess" she replied taking a sip of her coffee.

Her answer concerned Oliver. She seemed to be keeping something from him. Something she hasn't done since she came to stay with him three months ago. Oliver was worried. He worried that she would leave him and go running back to Edward. "Haven are you sure?" He dares to ask.

"I'm fine Oliver really" she replied with a forced smile.

Oliver sighed. "When did you start keeping things from me?"

This angered haven. "What do you want me to say Oliver"

"I don't know that you're scared. You are starting to shut me out"

"So what. What is there to talk about Oliver. What, do you want me to be a crying mess. Do you want me to be shaking with anxiety. Tell me Oliver what do you want" she yelled.

"I want you to talk to me Haven. Tell me what you are thinking. I don't want to lose you. Not to him."

"Ugh" haven yelled before she walked out of the room and up to hers. She was so mentally exhausted at the moment and needed a nap.

It was night by the time Haven woke up. She got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. Once she was done she went back in her room and all the hairs on her arm stood up as fear consumed her. There sitting on her bed was Edward Nygma. Haven made a move to turn around and run when he said "do it and I will kill him"

She turned back around and faced him tears in her eyes. "Why won't you just leave me alone?" She asked.

"Come on Haven you already know the answer to that" he replied growing tired of her pretending to be dumb.

"You don't love me. All I am to you is a toy that you could fuck whenever you wanted"

Edward growled. He hated how she thought he didn't care for her. He went against his friend for her. Handed her over to the bat to protect her. Even turned himself in for her and now here she stood thinking so little of him. "Your ignorance is growing tiresome"

"I'm not ignorant I'm speaking the truth"

"How long are you going to pretend to love Queen? How long are you going to ignore the fact that you have missed me?"

"I'm not pretending"

"Then I hate to say it darling but you are delusional. You have lost your mind"

This angered her. How dare he say that she was insane. "No I haven't"

"Then what is this?" He said holding up her pill bottles. "Do you even know what you are taking"

"Meds to control ptsd related flashbacks"

"Only one of these is meant for that. The rest are antipsychotics. They are medicating you to keep you under control"

"Liar" Haven replied. She couldn't believe him. She wouldn't believe him.

"As long as you have known me have I ever lied to you"

Haven was starting to shake now. "Nnnno"

Edward got up off of her bed and pulled her into his arms. "Come with me and you won't have to take these nasty medications anymore"

It was then that a knock came on her door. "Haven are you ok" Oliver asked through the door.

Edward let Haven go and she turned to the door. "Yeah I'm fine" she replied.

"Well when you feel like it come on out and we can get something to eat. I can order a pizza"

"Ok just give me a few minutes" Haven turned to face Edward again but he was gone. Haven let out a sigh before she headed out the door to Oliver.

Her heart/ Her insanity *sequel to his obsession his love*Where stories live. Discover now