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"Okay that is enough both of you!" She snapped. "What is the meaning of this? What's with the fight? Yaya Mujahid, you have to understand that mahmud is your brother and he's my brother too. I don't see any reason why you should...."

"Just shut maryam," Mujahid screeched at her. She stared at him, speechless. "Hey you can't talk to her that way!" Mahmud retorted. "So what if I do? You have no business in whatsoever we do..."

"Maryam, you deserve someone far better than this brat. He can't be treating you like trash and still claims to be someone who loves you," mahmud tried to reason with her. A tear cascaded down her cheek while she glanced At mahmud. "So what are you trying to say Mahmud? She should leave me and go back to you?" Mujahid laughed dryly. "I always knew you were in love with her. Who wouldn't know? The looks, the jealousy, gifts...."

"Mujahid that's enough! Maryam, If you think he's the right person for you then so be it!" He furiously barged out of the house. Mujahid cholericly glared at maryam. Before he could make another move, she left the living room in tears.

Tears blurred his vision as he drove his car in speed without caring. His heart beat fast, aching and paining him. His head dazzled and he lost control of the car. The moment the car hit the trees, He assumed he was dead. Then he kept waking and waking. He liked to be unconscious rather than awake. Because when he was awake he could taste the coppery blood pooling in his mouth and a deep pain in his heart. He could feel it grazing his teeth and soaking his tongue. He felt the aching and cracks in his bones. Each crack felt like rocks were burrowing into his skin. He sucked in cramped air, feeling his lungs caving in on themselves. He saw the spots in the corners of his vision, making his head feel like the only thing inside of it was static. He heard a buzzing noise, filling his ears. He felt like he was there for hours, fading and waking and fading and waking. His agony was the only thing keeping him alive. It was the only thing he could feel anymore. People started gathering around trying to pull him out. That was when he blanked out.


They finally reach the door, brown and dull like all the others, but she can already see people inside. "Well, here we are," the nurse smiles kindly and opens the door wider. Doctors and nurses surrounded his hospital bed, attaching IV's, heart monitors and oxygen tanks to him. She decide to explore the room while the other people are still crowded around him. An old TV set hangs from the ceiling. A window giving me a view of the world below was just beneath the screen. In the corner are two chairs, frayed with wear and tear. It was a typical hospital room, sparse and functional. She sat herself next to Nyx and stared dejectedly up at the ceiling. Mujahid came in minutes later and sat beside her without uttering a word to her. He watched as his brother was being checked on.

She sobbed into her hands and the tears dripped between her fingers, raining down onto the marble tiles. Her breathing was ragged, gasping and the strength left her legs. Mujahid hissed loudly and glanced away. She scrambled up and stopped one the doctors. She showed him her ID Card, "My name is Doctor Mahdi. I would like him to be transferred to my hospital now, if possible."

"No problem Doc, but at least let him be conscious first. By tomorrow he will be transferred to your hospital," he replied. "But how is he doing?" She asked worriedly. "Uhmm well, he broke his left arm."

Her shoulders slumped down as new tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked at him feeling remorseful. "Look Umma is on her way, let me take you home," Mujahid interrupted, pulling her wrist. "What?! I am not leaving his side. He needs someone close to him. He needs me. I'm very sure it was because of that silly fight that caused this accident. Don't you even feel bad for your brother?" She seethed not caring what he'd do. She was fed up with him for the first time since they were together.

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