Happy Birthday!

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I was on edge as Hannah took a deep breath.
"His name is-"
"You could have told me where this place was!"
I looked down and glared at Troy, "Jesus Christ, could you have picked worse timing Troy!"
He looked up, "why the hell are you up there?"
I rolled my eyes and climbed the ladder down to the floor.
"What'd I interrupt?"
He finally noticed Hannah, "ohhhh, I get it. That's why you were up there. Sorry, didn't know you wanted privacy."
I glared at him, if looks could kill Troy would be a puddle of blood.
"What is this place?"
"We think its an abandoned classroom. I just found a bunch of shit in here and built everything you see before you."
He nodded and walked over to one of the sloping walls. As he began climbing I climbed up to the swinging bars and began well... swinging. Hannah came behind me and I smiled.
"So who is the dream guy? Sounds like a real catch."
She shook her head, "no, not while Troy's here."
I muttered a string of curses under my breath directed at Troy. At dinner Garret sat next to me.
"So, little bro, your birthday is next week."
Hannah looked at me, "you didn't tell me that."
I looked down at my food, "yeah, well, I don't like to talk about my birthday."
Hannah nodded slowly, "I won't press."
I smiled, that was new. When I woke up on the fifth there was a piece of cake on my plate during breakfast. I stared at it and when Hannah sat down I stared at her.
She grinned, "I might have told the cooks today was your birthday."
I stared at Hannah with a blank expression on my face, "why are you so obsessed with my life?"
She thought, "I'm not obsessed with your life, I just can't stand to see people unhappy and hurting."
I turned away before Hannah could read my face. I ate my breakfast in silence and I ignored her in classes. For the rest of the day I locked myself in my head. That is, until class was over then I ran to the Mountain as fast as my legs could carry me. I sat down and turned the radio up. I laid down on the floor and kind of zoned out. I didn't notice Hannah was in the building until she had her face hanging right over mine.
"So you can sing!"
I stared, "I wasn't singing!"
She smirked, "oh yes you were, surprisingly well too."
I turned down the radio and she smiled at me. I looked into her big hazel eyes, and I started sweating.
"Sam, are getting a little nervous?"
"N- no. It's just hot in here, and you being on top of me isn't helping."
She blushed and stood up. I grinned and looked down at my feet.
"Hey, Hannah. I'm, I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning. It's just that, well nobody's ever done something like that for me, so thank you."
She smiled and I went for a handshake but instead she gave me a bone crushing hug. For a while I stiffened but eventually I relaxed and wrapped my arms around her. She let go and we sat on the couch for until dinner doing nothing but talking.
"So, Sam, you're 14 now?"
"I guess so."
She smiled and then her eyes widened, "I almost forgot."
She reached into her bag and pulled out a small package wrapped in black paper and tied with a bright red bow.
"It's not much, but it's the only thing I could get that I thought you would like."
I smiled, "Hannah, I love it."
"You haven't even opened it silly."
"I don't need to, Hannah thank you for this. I don't care if its only a fifty cent candy bar, thank you."
Her face turned bright red as I slowly untied the ribbon. I opened the box and pulled out a little leather bracelet. I looked at it and saw that in white letters it said, Sammy.
"What have I told you about calling me that?"
"That's why it says that."
I smirked and Hannah grinned, "any how, thank you Hannah."
She smiled and we didn't do anything for the rest of day and since it was Friday we didn't have any homework. For a while we sat and talked until we ran back to our dorm a second. I grabbed my laptop and a speaker before running right back. I let us in and Hannah carried my laptop up the ladder while I took the more fun way by climbing up the walls. As I landed with a thump Hannah was trying to figure out my password.
"I don't think so."
I took the laptop and typed in my password. I pulled up Netflix and looked at Hannah.
"What do you want to watch?"
Hannah thought for a moment, "How The Grinch Stole Christmas."
"I love that movie."
I found the movie and we began watching. We watched movies until later that night and then as we walked into our room Garret was waiting for us with his arms crossed.
"Bro I get that it's your birthday and of course you're free to celebrate it in any way you want but, just make sure you at least let us know if you're going to run off on some person."
"I think you mean run off with."
"No I mean on."
I didn't say anything as I stared at Garret.
Hannah turned bright red and them I glared at him, "we weren't, we were watching Netflix you idiot. We're only 13."
Garret smiled, "I'm just kidding, but this will be you're dorm for the next few years so I'm going to establish a rule now, keep it in your beds. Not anybody else's. And leave a sign or something on the door, like do not disturb, or whatever you want to put on it."
"Wait how long are we going to be here?"
"I've been here for six years now, this year is my last. You guys will be here for seven years, counting this one."
I stared at Garret again, expecting to see a smile but there wasn't one, "but we'll be like 20 when we get out."
"Your point is?"
"Well usually people graduate when they're 18."
"Do normal people learn how to kill at school?"
Troy didn't have an answer to that and instead looked down.
"So, this is your last year?"
"Yeah, I'm just here to show you guys the ropes, and then you're on your own."
I didn't say anything as climbed into my bed for the night. Later that night I heard my phone going off and looked.
Happy Birthday Sammy!
I looked at the message and then stared at Hannah's bunk. I could see her smile by the light of her phone.
-How did you get my number?
-I took your phone today and put your number in my phone. How'd you know it was me?
-Two reasons. You're the only who calls me Sammy, and who else would send me a happy birthday message?
-Ummm, your friends.
-What friends?
I saw her smile vanish.
We texted each other for most of the night and when I finally fell asleep I wasn't disturbed by dreams of any kind.

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