No special treatment

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I tossed and turned in my bed for another hour before finally falling asleep. It was probably five hours but it felt like Garret was waking everybody up a minute after I fell asleep.

"Hey everybody get up!" he started banging a stick against our bed pole.

I heard everybody hop out of bed, everybody but me that is. Instead I groaned and rolled over. I heard somebody leave the room and in a little while they came back. I heard several people try to suppress giggles but before I could get up to shush them, somebody poured cold water on me. I snapped up and launched myself at the person who got my mattress wet.

"Dude Garret told me to, don't kill me," Troy looked at me like a trapped animal.

I whipped my head and glared at my brother.

He held his hands up in defense, "hey don't yell at me, I told you to get up. Oh and you might want to put that mattress out to dry, you won't get another one."

I got up and smacked him. He pushed me away, but not in an unfriendly way, and laughed.

"Come on, kiddies, we're getting an early start on the day."

"Why, what time is it?" Hannah had a hard time getting the question out in between her yawns.

Garret looked at his watch, "its about six in the morning."

I stared at him, "classes don't start until eight."

"I know, I'm taking you to the gym. Assassins have to be fit and healthy."

"But do we have to get fit at six in the morning?" man Hannah was pretty good at whining, but it was kinda cute.

I shook my head, where the hell did that come from. I looked back at Hannah and saw her smiling at me. I looked down and realized that I was wearing a white shirt. Because they had poured water on me you could see my chest under the shirt. I yelped and covered my chest with my hands. Everybody laughed as I scrambled up the ladder to change clothes. Since she was outnumbered we made Hannah go to the girls bathroom to change. She glared at us and 'slammed' the door behind her. We laughed and I turned around to face my 'closet'.

I peeled my wet shirt off my body and turned when I heard a whistle behind me. I turned around to see Troy grinning at me and staring at my bare chest. I stuck my tongue out and turned back to my clothes. Pulled on a plain black shirt and slipped on jeans. There, I thought I'm done.

"No long pants, only shorts in the gym."

I whipped my head to face my brother. I followed his gaze and realized he'd been talking to me.

"I don't wear shorts."

"Well now you do," he stared my down, I stared him down but he didn't budge.

"Will one of you just blink already."

Both if us turned to glare at Troy. He held his hands up in don't kill me gesture. I dropped my gaze and jumped off my bed. I stuffed my hands in my pocket and waltzed out the door.

"Why, hello there Hannah Banana."

"Hey Sam."

"What's with the jeans, you know it's like August, right?"

"Yeah I know, I just don't wear shorts."

Hannah opened her mouth to speak but before she could the door in front of us opened up.

"Come on troops, let training begin."

I rolled my eyes as we followed Garret out of the dorm building and into a squat little place just across the way. We held the door open and led us to the back of the building.

"Why do we have to come so far back?" Troy raised his hand.

"Because, these are the first year's gyms." Garret explained it like it should be obvious.

Hannah shrugged her shoulders and I brushed past her. I pulled the door open and stared at the sheer amount of equipment in here. They had everything, weights, sparring mats, trampolines, gymnasts rings, treadmills. If you could work out on it they had it.

Garret pondered for a moment, "everybody give me five laps around the gym, NOW!"

We all groaned and started running along the outside of the gym.

"Not you Sam, I want you to do eight."

I groaned even louder. No special treatment I guess.

I'm a teenage assassinWhere stories live. Discover now