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Tegan : morning
Luke : sleepy head is awake
Piper : ello
Tegan ; my baba

I hug her

Cage : its a reunion
Pagie : it really is
Piper : its nice
Tegan ; and im gonna have to rewin it im meeting hoenahs frineds
Luke : u are so mean calling him that
Cage poor guy
Tegan ; i know but I'll see u all
Piper : bye

I walk out the door getting in the car driving to jonahs

Tegan ; hi
Jonah : come with me

We walk inside

Jonah : guys this is tegan , tegan this Daniel Corbyn zach and Jack

He ponits

Jack : hey
Zach : yo
Tegan : hi
Daniel : what do u see in Jonah
Jonah ; i have my charms
Corbyn : charms u have nothing

I let out a little laugh

Jonah : oi don't laugh
Corbyn : nah hes good one
Tegan : yh i know
Jonah ; its atchally debatable we've had our ups and downs
Tegan : that we have
Zach : doesn't everyone have there ups and downs tho
Jack : what like u and kay
Zach : blah blah what about u and Gabbie
Jack : we certainly have
Corbyn : im the only one in a stable relationship
Jonah : hey we are good
Corbyn : mhm
Tegan : but for how long
Jonah : we are gonna be good forever
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : why am i always single
Jack : cause u sleep around
Daniel : i do not so do u
Jack : i don't
Zach : all of u shut it please
Corbyn : grow up
Jonah : i told u they were childish
Tegan : its fine
Corbyn : they are im not so much
Jack : stop trying to act perfect
Corbyn : i can't help i am perfect
Daniel ; im your dreams
Tegan : can i say no one is perfect
Zach : apart from me

We all start laughing

Zach : nah we know
Corbyn : i really wanna sleep
Tegan : i do aswell
Jonah ; what a guess
Zach : what
Jonah ; i said to tegan that her and Corbyn would meet and then be like lets have a nap
Daniel : is she anuther Corbyn
Jonah : very much so she can have a nap and still be tired
Corbyn : naps are just amzing tho
Tegan : they are
Jonah : there to similar
Zach : are u related
Corbyn : nope
Daniel ; they look nothing alike
Zach : u never know
Jonah : he is right but nah
Corbyn : just imagen dating your frineds sister tho
Tegan : hmmm
Jack : what
Jonah ; i was frined with her brother then me and her started dating
Daniel : what do u mean by was did he guys not like u dating so u aren't friends no more
Jonah : no he was fine with us but he died 6 years ago
Tegan : yh
Daniel ; oh shit sorry
Zach ; yh
Tegan : its fine it happend so long ago I've coped with it now i think both have
Jonah : yh we have
Jack : wait so u dates before
Jonah : ok so bascally we dated like 6 7 years ago i then broke up with her because she was going to new York for college . A few months after that i went to new York to make up with her and we made up she then had to go to Australia and we were prtically togtger again . I then cheated she then got a new boyfriend i went to Australia with a few frineds and we made up as frineds i then told i still liked her i got rejected because she had a boyfriend and we never spoke till about a week ago

They just look at us

Zach : mad
Tegan : it is just a bit
Corbyn : cute tho
Jack ; and then u have all of us apart from daniel who met our girlfriends throw social media
Zach : but it weren't dating apps
Corbyn : true
Tegan ; theres nothing wrong with either
Daniel ; do u have any friends i can get with i nees a girlfriend
Tegan : litrally all my friends are taken engaged or married so sorry
Daniel : damn it
Jonah : all of them
Tegan : literally all of them
Zach : but then theres u whos just got in a relationship
Tegan : yh but i was engaged
Corbyn : what happend there
Tegan : didn't work out it happens
Jonah : i didn't work out cause the world knows were meant to be
Jack : true love never dies
Me daniel and Zach : cringe

We start laughing

Zach : come on that is
Tegan ; it is
Jonah : no i agree with jack
Corbyn : for once someone agrees with jack
Jack : shut up
Daniel : just no tho what jack said is cringe
Jack : oh well
Tegan : right I'll be back

I go to the bathroom and i do my bussnies and i walk out meant with jonah

Tegan ; hi
Jonah ; u good
Tegan ; yh needed the bathroom
Jonah : yh well come on were gonna watch a movie
Tegan ; just a second

I lean up kissing him and he kisses me back and i put my hand on his a arm

Jonah : don't go tempting me
Tegan : but
Jonah ; my friends are here
Tegan ; fine

He kisses me and we walk to the front room and we all desied on a film

Jonah : why did no one tell me it was a sacrey film
Jack : cause we knew u would be a pussy and say no
Corbyn ; could of told me aswell i don't like them
Zach ; oh well your both 23 years old grow up
Tegan ; he dose have a point
Jonah : shut it u
Daniel : oh shut up
Jonah ; ok
Jack : right we should make a move
Corbyn : yh
Jonah : I'll see u tomrrow
Zach : yep
Tegan : nice meeting u all
Corbyn : and u

They go

Jonah : what do u think
Tegan : i like them there funny
Jonah ; good
Tegan : i see why your all friends your all funny but also stupid
Jonah : i am not stupid
Tegan : ok
Jonah : now that there finally gone

He kisses me and i kiss him pulling his jacket off and he picks me up walking to his room sitting down and i start kissing his neck making sure i leave marks . And he pulls my shirt off And i pull his shirt off . He swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins

U know what happend

I know this is a crappy ending but i hope u enjoyed

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future / Jonah Marais sequelWhere stories live. Discover now