Skip a few weeks

Tegan ; hey
Yashvi : hi
Jenna : oh guess what happend yesterday
Tegan : don't u dare
Jenna : come on
Yashvi : tell me now
Jenna : please
Tegan ; fine
Jenna : we were at the beach and she was taking a picture of her feet in the sea and i pushed her not knowing she had her phone and her and the phone went flying into the water .
Yashvi ; u are so mean
Jenna ; i know
Tegan : look

I pull my shirt my shirt a bit and i show her my back

Tegan ; I'm atchally bruised where she pushed me
Yashvi ; omg
Jenna ; i feel so bad
Tegan : also my phone is fucked
Jenna ; yh that's gone but i am buying her a new phone
Tegan ; take your time i don't need one
Yashvi : for god sake jen
Jenna ; i know
Yashvi : oh well come on

We walk out to the back yard and i sit down on mac taking his beer

Mac : hello to u to
Tegan : hi
Jenna : wow litrally 5th wheeling
Yashvi : alest no one is making out
Mac ; yh her and ned Tend to do that a lot
Ned : sadly true
Jenna ; I've seen it myself
Yashvi : we aren't bad
Tegan : no your right your awful

We all start laughing

Mac : i agree
Jenna : you'll need to sort your hormones out
Ned : mine are fine
Yashvi : your horny 24/7
Mac : wait so right now hes got a hard on

I slap him

Mac ; what
Tegan ; we don't need to know
Mac ; yh right don't answer
Jenna ; please don't
Ned : ok
Yashvi : right I'm getting in the pool

Her and jenna get in the pool

Jenna ; so tegan mac seeing as mac is a cop have u guys like got frisky while he wore the uniform or used the hand cuffs

Me and mac : no

Ned starts laughing

Yashvi : what
Mac ; don't mention anything
Jenma : no do mention it
Tegan : ugh
Yashvi : Ned i am your girlfriend and we tell each other everything
Ned ; please we can trust theses two
Mac : fine

Mac leans his head on my shoulder

Ned : well i think tegan handcuffed
Mac ; no let me explain cause we know the full story
Yashvi : come on
Mac ; so basically tegan did handcuff but she hand cuffed me to tabel leg and we had our fun ....and um we lost the key and i was panicking
Tegan : i did ask.if he had spear and he didn't then i was like the station will have one but he woudent let me go there because it would be embrassing
Mac : i was butt naked on the floor
Jenna : omg
Mac : anyway i said to tegan go to neds and ask for cutters so she went
Tegan : yh went to neds asked for them and he woudent give them to me because i didn't tell him why i needed them . So he came with me
Ned ; i was so funny he was chained to a table
Yashvi : why did i not know this
Mac : but ned saved me by cutting me free
Jenna : where was the key

I burst out laughing

Tegan ; mac was laying on it the whole time

We all start laughing

Mac : so yh we will not be doing any of it again
Jenna : jeuse it sounds so funny
Tegan ; yh whag ever
Ned : anyway im gonna get started on the bbq

I get up and getting undressed and i get in the pool and we swim around for while . And we splashed mac and ned

Ned : right come eat or were eat all

We get out the pool and we eat

Blake ; hey is my ball here
Yashvi : nope sorry
Blake ; hey look its my favorite person
Jenna ; go away blake
Blake ; damn jen i feel the love
Jenna ; what love i hate u
Blake : ouch jen
Jenna : its Jenna now go find your ball and leave me alone
Blake ; but i like annoying u
Jenna : blake go away or i will make u
Blake ; oh sounds intresting
Yashvi : blake do u wanna join us
Blake ; id love to
Jenna : really
Yashvi : what
Mac : sup
Blake : hey
Jenna : i swear u were put on this planet to annoy me
Blake ; oh i was put on this planet to annoy everyone
Tegan : well u haven't pissed me off yet
Mac ; or me
Ned : nore me well atcahlly u have
Blake ; wait when
Yashvi : when u made a move on me
Blake ; u were single
Ned : still pissed me off but i let it pass cause me and yash weren't togtger and u were drunk
Blake ; i am sorry
Jenna ; where's my apologie
Blake ; oh u will never get one from me

I let out a little laugh

Jenna : dick head
Blake ; love u too jen
Jenna : its jenna dim wit
Blake : aww u have a pet name for me so cute your should be irritating smartass

We all start laughing

Jenna ; hey if im irritating u know where to go
Blake ; but i like annoying u
Mac : do they do this all the time

He wispers

Tegan ; all the time they do not shut up
Mac : dose it get annoying
Tegan : no its funny
Mac : do they like each other
Tegan : yes
Blake : heard that and no
Jenna : that's disgusting
Blake : I've annoyed u enough for now see ya

He goes

Jenna : ugh why is he so annoying
Ned : he likes annoying u because its easy
Jenna ; and why did he have to be shirtless like
Yashvi : why are u bringing up that he was shirtless
Tegan ; someones gone red
Mac ; yh
Jenna : i hate him
Ned : u sure
Tegan ; u wanna jump him and ride
Mac ; don't be disguising
Tegan ; meh
Jenna : my stomahs gone weird
Yashvi : its called butterflies
Jenna : i do not like him oh i don't know seeing him like that I've gone weird
Ned : yh u like him
Jenna : do i
Mac : yes
Jenna : oh why him hes annoying as hell
Tegan : love works in weird ways
Ned : trust it dose
Jenna : Fuck sake
Mac : you'll get over it and then back to hating him
Jenna : it better
Tegan : right im gonna make a move
Ned : bye
Yashvi : see ya

I grab my clothes getting dressed and me and mac walk out

Mac : can i offer u to come back to mine
Tegan : as tempting as it is i need to head back
Mac ; ugh
Tegan : but were do something soon
Mac : tomrrow
Tegan : bussie tomrrow
Mac : ok
Tegan ; I'll see ya
Mac ; yh

I kiss him and he kisses me back and he starts tickling me

Tegan : no don't
Mac : its funny
Tegan : mean
Mac ; yh
Tegan : right bye
Mac : bye

I walk away heading back to the aprement

Tegan : the queen is back
Cindy : hi
Tegan : hey
Cindy : have fun
Tegan : yh what did u do
Cindy : i unpacked a bit
Tegan : ah
Cindy : james said hes almost packed so he should be back in Melbourne in a few days
Tegan : good
Cindy : I'm worried about james mean tomrrow its gonna be romeos 1 year since he died and james is on his own
Tegan : i am aswell he shoudent be alone
Cindy : he'll be fine i hope he'll have a friend with him
Tegan : yh i just can't get over how its been a year since ro died
Cindy : i know like where has the time gone
Tegan ; oh i don't even know its scarey
Cindy : it is
Tegan : it feels like just yesterday i saw romeo
Cindy : i still hear his voice
Tegan ; its weird but i can still smell him
Cindy : i can aswell
Tegan : i miss him
Cindy : i do aswell

I nod my head

Tegan : well um im going bed
Cindy : sleep well
Tegan : yh

I go upstairs going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed

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future / Jonah Marais sequelWhere stories live. Discover now