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Jewel had been a student at Hogwarts for a few months now and it was fair to say that everyone was certain she was dating Draco

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Jewel had been a student at Hogwarts for a few months now and it was fair to say that everyone was certain she was dating Draco. The pair had become extremely close. It probably did not help that she always walked around in his hoodies. Draco had been happier as he was able to be himself around her. They were currently sat on Dracos bed talking about boys.
"Okay so what is the deal with you and the Potter kid?" she asked as they finished laughing about their previous conversation.
"Potter? nothing why?" Draco asked confused.
"oh come on! You totally have a thing for him!"
"No, I don't!"
"then why are you so horrible to him?" she raised an eyebrow smirking.
"well, he's- you know... and- y-you know...theres the fact he um- yeah.." Draco stuttered as Jewel's dimpled smirk grew.
"Could it be because you want his attention?"
Draco thought for a few minutes before the realisation hit. "oh my god...It's because I like him..." His head shot up as he looked at the pale girl in shock. But it soon dropped when he remembered a certain ginger called Ginny.
she just giggled and held his hands "for the record I think you guys would be a cute couple. now come on we have potions class with Professor Snape. could you imagine if he smiled?" she laughed as they made their way out to the corridors.
Draco laughed as well "I actually cant. does his face even move?"
"im pretty sure his lips don't move even when he's talking"
"right! maybe that's why his voice is like that"
"There will be no foolish wand-waving in this classroom," Jewel said imitating Severus as best as she could and the pair burst into laughter.
Although unfortunately for them their Professor was walking behind them. "Detention miss Quinnzel," he said walking past them.
This just caused them to laugh harder, mainly in embarrassment, as they walked into the class. Everyone instantly started to mutter about them and the golden trio just watched. Harry felt a strong hatred towards the new girl.

no more than ten minutes into the lesson Pansy had thrown a piece of paper at Harry who instantly snapped his head back to Draco.
"sod off Malfoy" he growled softly.
"me?! don't think yourself that lucky Potter" he crossed his arms.
"Lucky? Why is that lucky?" Harry scoffed.
Draco smirked, "you want me to crave your attention".
"as if Malfoy" Harry turned back to the front.
Pansy did it again and Harry stood up "Seriously what is your problem!? Fuck off you asshole!"
"it. wasn't. me" Draco also stood up as he exaggerated each word and Jewe grabbed Dracos hand pulling him to sit even though he wouldn't.
"Go cry to daddy!" Hary spat. Harry hated watching her all over him. It boiled his blood.

just earlier that day Draco had been sobbing on Jewel as she rubbed his back because of his father. Lucius forced everything on Draco. he had to be the perfect son and if he slipped up even once...he would pay. He got a B in herbology which caused Lucius to use the "disappointment speech" on the blonde boy again. So this pushed him over the edge. Jewel tensed, bracing herself for Dracos reaction. Draco jumped forwards hitting Harry hard. Harry fell back a little before quickly gaining balance and punching Draco square in the nose.
"SUPERFLY!" Snape yelled as he cast it upon both students. "detention for both" he groaned leaving the two boys there.

Once their day's lessons ended Harry made his way to his detention. Ginny walked Harry to the door and cupped his bruised cheek "are you sure you're going to be okay with him?" she asked worriedly.
"ill be fin Gin...i promise" he smiled softly kissing her cheek before he entered where the two blondes were already sat laughing.
"What are you doing here?" Harry growled at the girl.
"oh Snape caught me mocking him" she replied as both her and Draco giggled a little as they recalled the moment in their heads.
Dracos under eyes had bruised slightly as his nose was a mess. he had some tissue stuck up one nostril still from where he was trying to stop the bleeding.
"his face" Draco mumbled and laughed a little harder. Jewel saw the image of Snape in Dracos head causing her to laugh harder as well. they were both bouncing off each other laughs until they were laughing hard again. She quickly cupped Dracos face with both hands trying to calm her laughs.
"stop you're going to make it bleed again"
Dracos laughs slowed down as he just shook his head smiling.
"Are you guys a couple or something" Harry scoffed feeling anger burn up inside him.
They both cringed looking at each other. the though disgusted them really. they were simply friends and that was it. they were best friends at that.

Snape walked in glaring at them all. if looks could kill they would all be six feet under by now. "Miss Quinzel it is obvious as to why you are here... Mr Potter, Mr Malfoy... what was the reason for your physical bickering?" he crossed his arms as he stood in front of them.
they both looked down silently. Jewel smirked watching them both. for the first time ever she heard Harry confess. not out loud, but to himself. Dracos reason was obvious to her, Harry mentioned his father. But now she knew Harry's too. Because he was jealous.

"Well, that's simple. Harry assumed Drake was annoying him due to the fact that Draco does usually crave Harry's attention. however, it wasn't Drake. But Harry mentioned Lucius Malfoy which is a sore subject for Drake right now. So He flipped out. the reason HArry was so sensitive was that he was jealous of how close me and Drake since he has this massive crush on Drake." She said as she popped a crisp into her mouth.
Draco never understood how she did that. she was always eating...she always had food in her hands and it always just appeared. He wondered if it was a spell or if she had a permanent stash in every room.
Upon hearing this both boys froze. Severus just rolled his eyes "you are all dismissed. I don't want to have to deal with the teenage drama....".

They all quickly grabbed their stuff and left the tension-filled classroom.
"wait Draco!" Harry pulled him aside. "i-is that true.."
" yours true?"
"so what if it was..." Harry looked up at him.

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