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Everyone gathered into the Great Hall

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Everyone gathered into the Great Hall. As the trio entered they noticed the pink and red hearts decorating the pillars and the pink candle hanging from above. The tables were lined with pink and red clothes and everywhere was covered with love hearts. They steadied themselves in their seats as Dumbledore started to speak. He announced that there would be a valentines ball. this caused some cheers and some grudges. Ron looked and Hermione.
"well you're going with me right?" he said as if expecting her to.
She shot glares back "Try actually asking me" She stood up taking Ginny's wrist and leaving the hall.
Dean and Seamus tried to keep there laughs in. However, Harry was lost in thought. it had been over a month since he last spoke to Draco and it was killing him. He would see the blonde in the corridors and he looked so different. He was glowing nowadays. his shirt was always a little messier than it used to be and his top button was never done up. he never wore the sweatshirt. Draco looked healthier and happier. All Harry ever wanted to do was run up to him and hug him. tell him he loves him. it hurt that he couldn't. But it was his own fault.

"can you believe him!" Hermione yelled as Ginny put her hair into braids. "the audacity! he didn't even ask me"
"I know 'mione. Percy seems to have been the last male Weasley who was born with brain cells" she shook her head. "it shocks me that three of us can be so incredibly smart whilst the other three are idiots" she giggled softly. "that's why I'm lucky I have Harry".
"well, I wouldn't call Harry smart" Hermione scoffed remembering that he was cheating on Ginny for quite awhile. "I wouldn't trust Harry too much Ginny"
"What makes you say that?" She put the band around the bottom of the second plait.
Hermione just shook her head and stood up "thank you, Ginny, they're beautiful"

"you got this!" Dean said as he massaged Neville's shoulders. Harry and Ron laughed softly knowing this wasn't going to go well.
Neville took a few deep breathes nodding and muttering "you got this". with a quick wave of his wand he had flowers and wandered up to the blonde sitting at the Ravenclaw table.
"um, Luna..."
She looked up and smiled "oh Neville"
"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me" he quickly pushed the flowers in her direction.
"awe Neville thank you so much for asking but I'm going with someone already actually"
The boys burst into a fit of laughter. nothing makes them happier than their friend's misery. But this wasn't entirely true for Harry. he had been happier but he screwed it up.
They made their way to the table and sat down when Malfoy and his posse walked in sitting at their table.
"who do you think Malfoys going with?" Seamus asked looking over at the Slytherin table.
"oh god! are we all at risk of being asked!?" Ron said lost choking on his food at the sudden realisation.
"Just because he's gay it doesn't mean your his type" Harry looked at his friend who currently had food hanging out his mouth as he piled it in. "yeah..you are definitely not Malfoys type".

Draco shook his head. "no! I'm not asking him! I dumped his ass for a reason" he said putting a mouthful in.
"well who else are you going to go with?" the blonde crossed her arms raising an eyebrow at him.
"You. who else would I go with?" he laughed.
"Drake I'm honoured really but I'm waiting for him to ask" Jewel pointed to the Hufflepuff table that was next to the Gryffindor table.
"Not if I beat you first" Draco smirked.
"fine pretty boy lets go see who he wants shall we" She stood up charging over to the Hufflepuff table with Draco following closely behind. As they stumbled to the table Harry looked up to where they were and noticed they both sat down with a boy sandwiched between them.
they were both talking to him and he was laughing and engaging in conversation with them.
his view was blocked when all he could see was ginger.
"Hey, Harry" Ginny smiled and pecked his cheek.
"'mione! I'm glad you're here, I'm really sorry about the other day.. and I would love you to come to the dance with me" Ron said going as red as his hair.
"thank you and I accept" she smiled.
Harry moved his head to the side a little and saw the three again.

"So you are both asking me to the dance?" the brunette asked again.
"Yes," they said in unison.
"well in that case..." the boy turned to Jewel. "I'd hate to reject a beautiful girl...but I'm going to have to" he turned back round to Draco. "it's a date" he winked.
Jewels face dropped and Draco smiled widely. "great see you there".
the blondes linked arms and laughed going back to their own table.

Harry was pissed...

Eventually, the ball came around and Harry was dreading it. He didn't want to be there with Ginny. He didn't want to see Draco dancing around with some guy. He wanted to be the guy. But he fucked up. Straightening his tie Harry made his way outside the great hall with Neville, Ron and Seamus. They were waiting to enter with their dates. The Hufflepuff was also there. Susan Bones came around the corner in a beautiful short red dress before coming over and linking arms with Seamus. he waved goodbye and entered the hall with her. Luna came over and smiled.
"hi boys~ I'm waiting for my date to pick me up" she stood with them.
"who is your date L-"
"Luna!" A girls voice interrupted Harry.
"Pansy!?" they all said at once.
Luna just nodded linking arms with the Slytherin before walking into the hall.
Cho Chang entered with Neville and Hermione entered with Ron. Harry still stood to wait for Ginny. He thought about just going back to his dorm but his thoughts were interrupted. he looked up to see the male in a state he had only dreamed of. he was wearing pale blue converse sneakers with 3/4 length light grey trousers. keeping them in place was a black belt with a metal VS on it. he wasn't sure what it stood for but it looked expensive. Tucked in was a white shirt hidden under a light grey waistcoat. around his neck was a pale blue tie which made his eyes stand out like stars in the night sky. His hair was floppy and his smile was breathe taking. Harry had no words.
"Draco" the Hufflepuff smiled taking his hand. "you look great".
Harry scoffed. Great was an understatement.
"thank you Cedric" he pecked his cheek and they entered the hall.
"Harry!" Ginny yelled.
"oh, Ginny. ready?" He wasn't sure how long she had been calling him but she looked pissed off.

right foot forward. left foot back. over and over they waltzed around the dance floor. But Harry's eyes never left a particular boy. Cedric.. he hated him. He was waltzing around as if he owned Draco and he did not! Harry does... well, did.. no! Harry will! "sorry Ginny one moment" Harry ran over to Draco and Cedric as a new song started. Draco saw him coming and sighed.
"im going to get us drinks," He said to Cedric and quickly walked away hoping to lose Harry.
"Draco" Harry repeated chasing after him. eventually, he grabbed his wrist and Draco pulled it away as swiftly as he could.
"what Potter!?"
Harry looked around and jumped up on a table.
"everyone can I have your attention!"
Everyone in the hall looked at the chosen one and Dracos heart dropped.
"for merlin's sake Potter what are you doing!?" Draco whisper yelled.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy! Will be my date to the ball and will you be my boyfriend again?" Harry asked and the whole hall went silent. everyone to shocked to comprehend what was actually happening.
"you're an idiot Potter" Draco shook his head as a smile made its way onto his face. "but you're my idiot"
Harry smiled widely and jumped down pulling Draco into a kiss.

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