Chapter 3- The Town

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        Here was the creature. Sure enough it was a dragon. It was higher than most of the trees. Its scales a mixture of red and yellow. The eyes a dark black. There was a small chain around his neck. I gulped and backed up, bumping into a tree. Mason looks up and screams, holding onto me tightly. The dragon was looking straight at Mason. It slowly started to move towards us. I was shaking badly, holding onto Mason tightly. The dragon comes closer. It raises its claw, ready to strike. I look around for somewhere to run. Spotting a small hole under the log blocking Mason and I from the others, I quickly run over to it. I place Mason down, "Mason, I need you to crawl under here and run to Riley and the others ok?"
Mason looked up at me with tears in his eyes, "What bout you!"
"I'll be fine. I promise. Now go!"
        He nods and crawls under the log, going to the others. The dragons eyes were now fixated on me. I gulp and slowly inched towards an opening in the woods, "Good dragon.... Nice dragon. Go home dragon."
        The dragon didn't do anything. He took a step forward. Quickly, I run into the woods, my heart pounding. The dragon flew into the sky, following close behind me. If he wanted to, he could catch up and swoop down, grabbing me quickly. Instead it blew a fireball, causing me to scream and take a sharp turn. A small shack was only a few feet away. Deciding it was the best chance of my survival, I sprint as fast as I could, bursting through the doors. I step inside and closed the door, even though it wouldn't help at all. Inside was a long sword made up of gold and silver. The sword reminded me of a katana. I slowly pick it up and examined it. Engraved on the blade of the sword it said, 'Hope'. I frowned and traced my fingers over the word. Suddenly the shack disappears and I am face to face with the dragon. I raise the sword, my arms shaking, "How do I fight a dragon with a freaking sword!?" I ask myself.
        The dragon raises its claws and swung at me. I jumped out of the way, and sliced into its arm. Blood came out of the cut, covering the sword. The dragon screeched in pain, causing me to cover my ears from the sound. The dragons eyes narrow and it flew into the sky, "THAT'S JUST NOT FAIR!"
        I ran back to the road, the dragon closing in. The log was now on fire. I take a deep breath and ran straight towards it, jumping as high as I could. I land on top of the log, the fire closing in the spot. I could see the others far down the road, just as small specks in the distance. They left me to die. My best friends left me! Did they expect me to fail on escaping the dragon? Did they think I wouldn't make it out alive for Mason? I tighten my grip on the sword and jumped off the log, running towards the others. The dragons lands in front of me. Catching me by surprise, he claws at me, pushing me down and causing major pain in my right side. I place my hand on my side, feeling warm liquid. Blood. The dragon snorted in success and walked over to me. I closed my eyes, ready for the worst. I felt the dragons' breath come closer and then, nothing. As if it had disappeared. I open my eyes and see the dragon on its side and my sword in its chest, penetrating its heart. My breath was hard, and my arms and legs shook badly. I slowly pulled the sword out of the dragon and walked the direction of where the others were. Unsure of what happened and my side bleeding, I let my thoughts drift off, thinking about everything. About how I made the wish. About when Alyssa got taken away from the elephants. How Mason looked when he saw the dragon. I stumble forward, holding my side, trying to stop the bleeding as much as I can. I make it to the top of a hill and see the others on the bottom.
"Guys!" I croak, waving my bloody hand in the air and dragging the sword.
        Mason looks up from Riley's shoulder and gasped, pointing towards me. Rose and the others turn around and gasp as well. They all run towards me. I stop walking and placed my hand back on my side. Liz ran toward me with the emergency kit. Mason tried to come by my side but Riley wouldn't let him go.
"How'd you survive? And where did you get that katana?" Emmy asks, looking at me, dry tears on her cheeks.
I shrug not knowing the answer to the first question, "Don't know. And I found the katana."
        Emmy frowns and crosses her arms. I focus on her and see half of her hair was charred off to her shoulders. She says, "Where do you find a sword in the middle of a freaking forest!?"
"Don't know. You hair?"
"Don't talk about it. And you could talk. Most of your hair is gone."
        I feel my hair, gasping when I realize how short it is. I bite my lip and looked at Liz who was now wrapping the wound with bandages. Mason broke out of Rileys grasp and came running straight at me. He tackle hugs me, causing me to wince in pain. Burying his face into my good side and cried hard, trying to talk, "T-th-they s-said y-you died!"
I rubbed his back, trying to calm him down, "I'm fine. See? I'm not dead. I killed the dragon."
        Mason nodded lightly, not letting go. Liz bit her lop and looked at me, "We need to get you to the towns hospital as fast as possible. Otherwise you might bleed out."
I nod and grabbed Masons hand, "Then let's get going."
       Everyone nodded in response and we head down the road towards the town. About half an hour later, we reach the gates of the town. The guards look at us then saw my bandage and how much blood was already leaking through. They let us in. Liz led everyone down the street towards the hospital. People stared but quickly looked away. The people in this town looked different compared to home. They all looked crazy weird. Someone had bright a bright green eye and a dark red one. Another person had a tattoo that looked like a skull. To my surprise no one looked older than 25 and no younger than 2. We finally make it the hospital. Liz says to the nurse, "Hello? Yes my friends and I were just attacked by a dragon. And she got a pretty bad injury while killing it." Liz points back at me and I smile lightly.
        The nurse looked at me and gasped, nodding quickly. She runs over, "I'll need the boy to stay here while I take her to a room to see the doctor."
        Riley nods and pries Mason away from me, screaming his head off, "NO NO NO NO NO NO! I WANT MY SISTER!"
        Tears fill my eyes as I walk down the hall while I listen to Masons screams. The nurse takes me into a room and asks for me to take off by charred, blood soaked, torn hoodie. I nod and carefully take it off, placing it on the floor. The nurse quickly takes off the bandages and placed a towel on the wound. A tall guy walks in with a lab coat. I guess he's the doctor, "So you're the brave hero who slayed the dragon and saved everyone out there."
I nod lightly, looking around the room.
"And according to my friend Liz," He went on, " you and your group of friends just got here. Today!""Yeah..."
"Is that your sword?"
"I guess. Found it while I was running away from the dragon."
"It's unique. I have only one like it but it was made entirely out of gold. He and a group of boys set out to find the kingdom. This is just an outside village. Now let's look at that wound."
        The doctor walks closer and the nurse backs away, holding the bloody towel. His eyes widen, "Jeez! Let's get you fixed up." He grabs some tools and gently places his hand on my side, "Now this is going to hurt. I'm going to have to stitch you back together."
        I bite my tongue and nod. I have only had stitches one other time and that was when I was only 7. I had fallen out of a tree and cute open my leg pretty bad. He threads the needle and slowly started. I gasped in pain and felt warm tears stream down my cheeks. The doctor kept going, shooting pain up and down my side each time the needle went into my skin. A few minutes later which felt like hours he finished. The doctor told the nurse to go get something. While she was out he said, "The nurse is getting something to make the pain go away. Sort of like pain killers but more effective. And then something to make it heal faster. The pain will go away as soon as you drink the liquid but it won't start healing until tomorrow. So you'll have to stay here for a couple of days."
I nod, clenching my teeth, "Ok. Quick question, is there any way for my friends and I to get back home?"
The doctor frowns and sighs, "Not that anyone knows of. Rumor has it that the king does. That's why the group of boys are trying to get to the kingdom. No one knows for sure."
The nurse comes back in with the two cups and she hands me one, "Drink."
I do as told and drank the liquid. I nearly spit it out, "That taste like freaking garbage!"
        The doctor and nurse laugh as she hands me the other cup. I cautiously drink it and was surprised that it actually tasted good. I put both the cups down and yawned, exhausted from fighting the dragon and from the pain, "Can my brother come in?"
        The doctor nodded and went with the nurse to fetch Mason. I thought about what the doctor had said. There was another group of people here that want to get out. My thoughts were interrupted when Mason comes in and gives me a slight hug. He was crying into my legs. I slowly pick him up and rocked him slightly, "Hey bud, what's wrong?"
"I-I-I just w-want to go h-home!"
        I smile lightly and rubbed his back, "Well I found a way to get home. And I killed a dragon, Like a fearless night."
He looked up at me with tears in his eyes, "Really?"
"Yeah. Sure it hit me once, but in the end I killed the dragon. He wanted to steal our gold." I respond, tickling him.
 He giggles and pushes my hands away, "You're the best."
"How about when we get home, we watch Scooby Doo together?"
        He smiled widely and crawled off my lap, sitting next to me. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, leaning the sword which was still in my hand against the wall. Lying down, Mason cuddles into me and falls asleep. Today was only the first here. Wherever here was. Alyssa was gone and most likely dead. We met a few more friends and I fought and killed a dragon. This is exactly what I wished for except for the dying part. Before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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