\\Starting my first day// Chapter .1

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~kirishima POV~

It was my first day of UA I made it in, surprisingly. As I got up from bed I started changing into my new UA uniform. It was kinda tight in my chest area (they're bigger than momo's boobs and she's skinny) but it'll do. I put my hair in a ponytail and spiked it up (that sounds cringey but whatever). I grabbed my things and grabbed a piece of toast and went to school. As I was walking I saw Mina and denki (he's also a girl). "Hey Mina, hey denki!" "Hey kiri" "hey gurlll! How's it going?" Said Mina I've known Mina since were we babies and we've been best friends since,"Good what bout you?" "It's going good and I'm excited for my first day of UA!!" "Me too! Anyways how are you doing denki?" "I'm doing fine" she responded with a smile. I met danki in my third year of middle school and been best friends since I also met sero at that time too but he wasn't here, he probably is already at school.

time skip—

We arrived at school "w-wow the gates are HUGE!!" Said Mina "come on let's go inside" I dragged them inside and started walking to my class, Mina and danki left me so I was by myself. I tripped on something and landed on a muscular chest "WHAT THE HELL GET OFF ME!!!" A blond haired dude with crimson eyes yelled at me "s-s-sorry I didn't see where I was looking I'm sooooo sorry" my face got a lil red but he didn't seem to notice "well next time watch where you're going!!" He stormed off. He's hot. WAIT NONONONO HES NOT WHY AM I THINKING OF THIS HES MEAN...i should head to my class.
Bakugou POV—
I woke up in the morning with the old hag yelling at me "KATSUKI GET READY FOR SCHOOL YOU BRAT!!" "OK YOU DONT HAVE TO SCREAM YOU OLD HAG!" I got up and took a quick shower and got changed into my new school uniform and grabbed my things and went off to school "BYE HAG!" "BYE BRAT" ugh I sometimes hate my mom but she's sometimes fun also I got in UA to be a pro her cuz I'm obviously the best and gonna be the best no.1 hero in the world.
time skip—
I arrived at school and it's hella crowded in the front but I manage to get through the damn crowd. I was walking to my class till a red headed girl landed on my chest "WHAT THE HELL GET OFF ME!!!" I was about to blow her up but i didn't. She apologized and I said " well next time watch where you're going!" I walked away and got to my class then the shitty haired girl came and sat behind me since that was the only seat that was available. Ugh why is she behind me can't she switch seats or something? I don't care really so I just "tch" abs waited for our teacher. Then mineta that asshole said that she had nice boobs "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PERVERTED ASSHOLE!!" I SWEAR IF THAT PERVERTED ASSHOLE SAYS ONE MORE THING ABOUR HER IM GONNA KILL HIM...why do I care tho?? Damn what'd she do to me?
kirishima POV—
I arrived at my class and everyone was already there so I took the only free seat that was there...but...it's behind that hot headed dude...oh no. I sit down and he "tch" me but I didn't care he was annoying already. "nice boobs~" someone said and I covered my chest with my hands "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PERVERTED ASSHOLE!!" I was shocked and I tapped his shoulder "what?!" "Thanks" "for what" "just thanks" "tch" and then the teacher came in and the class has started. "Ok students I'm mr. aizawa your homeroom teacher and today we'll be doing a test to test your ability and if you fail you get expelled." Everyone started panicking and and mr. aizawa handed us our training uniform. I went to the girls locker room but before I left the classroom someone tapped my shoulder, I turned to see who it was and they said " hi my name is uraraka nice to meet you" she seemed nice "nice to meet you too I'm ejirou kirishima" we walked together to the girls locker room and changed to our training uniform.
time skip—
Once we were outside we had to throw a ball as far as we can to get a high score. "Who wants to go first?" "I'll go first, MOVE extras" "ok then Bakugou let's see how you do" the hot headed blonde is Bakugou noted, he went first.
He threw the ball very far and there were explosions on his hand, so he has an exploding quirk, noted...i was shocked but I could do better he got 724.5 (i forgot what he got shhh) after a couple of people went it was my turn and I was nervous but I knew I could do good "you can do it!" Mina whispers to me with a thumbs up also my quirk will be helpful too so I will do my best. I grabbed the ball, took a deep breath and threw the ball as hard as I can and added some more pressure with my quirk. I got 667.7 (I also forgot his record shhhh) I did it but I didn't get higher than Bakugou but it was still good. After that mr. aizawa said "ok nobody is getting expelled I was just lying so y'all would do your best" the whole class said "WHAT!!!" "Y'all didn't know?" "YOU KNEW MOMO?!?!" "Yea wasn't it obvious I also thought it was true but then it added up he wanted us to do our best so he lied to us so we could do our best" (I don't know) "Yea but y'all did your best...better than my last class anyways everyone has an assigned dorm that will but since there's not enough dorms everyone will have a roommate and it will be random (random as in like I will put who and who together >:3) got that?" "Yes sensei!" We all head to find who our roommates were and just to my surprise my roommate was Bakugou who was waiting for me by the dorm "so you're kirishima??" "Yea" "well this is gonna suck"...

Soo this is my first kiribaku story I hope I did good and y'all enjoyed it and it might take me long to write a part two since school but I'll write it during school in stuff just for y'all also I'm gonna draw a cover for my story but until then for now imma leave that there and let me know if there are any mistakes please and thank you but other than that I'll see you guys in the next chapter


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