Wrong one... \\chapter .4//

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~kirishima POV~

We went shopping for clothes and stuff. We went into a crimson riot (I forgot what his hero name was so if that's not it them tell me plz and thx) store and i bought a few stuff, I forgot my wallet "crap" I whispered to myself but unfortunately katsuki heard and said "what's wrong?" "I forgot my wallet" "I'll pay" "I'll pay you back I promise" "nah it's fine" and he pecks my lip and goes to pay, I blush but hey at least I didn't get a lot of stuff, after that we continued and I went into the bathroom but I accidentally went to the boys bathroom, luckily nobody was there but then I heard some footsteps and I opened the stall to see who it is, it was katsuki "oh no" I whispered to myself and I shut the stall quietly so he wouldn't hear me but I was wrong he opened the stall and looked at me with hungry eyes, I was blushing dark red "I-i ac-accidentally w-went to the b-boys bath-bathroom" then he pinned me to the stall and started kissing me
(More smutt time)
I tried to get out of his grip but he had a good grip on me so I gave up and started kissing him back, he slid his hand under my jeans and grabbed my ass making me moan a little and then he started teasing me by rubbing his member against my crotch area still clothed and I was moaning quietly so nobody would hear me, I wanted him to put it in, he read my mind and said "beg" I didn't know what he meant at first but then it clicked me "p-please ka-katsuki I-i want you to p-put it inside me~" then he started taking my clothes off and sucked in my nipples causing me to moan louder but I covered my mouth and he positioned me and slowly put it in "ngh~" he started to thrust faster on every moan "ahh~" I felt him kissing my neck "I-I'm close" he thrusted harder into me basically pounding into me and he came inside me but I wasn't really paying attention since I was too busy kissing katsuki.
(End of smutt)
(Bakugou POV)
After that we went to the park and hung around for a bit "hey red?" "Yes katsuki?" "Umm w-will you be m-my girlfriend?" I started blushing.
"YES!!" She then pecked my lips and hugged me.
(Kirishima POV)
We went back to the dorms and I felt a bit sick in my stomach...
Hey people this is a short chapter sorry bout that but I need ideas for the next chapter so if you gots some then share but other than that that's for reading my story and I'll see y'all in the next...


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