\\sleepover// Chapter 3.

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Can I ask you something?...
~kirishima POV~
"Do you umm want to....come to my sleepover tonight since it's Friday?"

"Sure why the fuck not"
~yesterday night~
"Hey guys do y'all wanna come to my house for a sleepover tomorrow?"
"HeLl yEa!"
kami said all drunk
"yea we'll be there"
sero said while holding kami "ok imma text Mina"
Red_Riot❤️: hey Mina do you wanna come over my house tomorrow and have a sleep over? Kami and sero are gonna be there.

Alien_queen💜: girlll you already know what I'm gonna say


Red_Riot❤️: ok pink see you then
~end of text~
"Ok so Mina is going yay!"
~back to this morning in class~
"Ok then it's at my house and come at 4"
omg I can't believe I had the courage to ask a angry hot headed Bakugou to come to my sleepover, I am gonna die but I have to pay attention to class...I can't wait!!
~Bakugou POV~
Kirishima was blushing when she asked me to go to her sleepover, cute, I can't wait till we end class.

~time skip~

Class was done and i waited for kirishima to go to lunch, we went to lunch together and say with the bakusquad
"sooo who's all going to the sleepover??"
Pinky said with a questionable look
"everyone at this table"
shitty hair said with a cute giggle, god she's so cute and hot...is that even possible for someone to be this cute and hot? I got so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize kirishima eating my food

"Red?? Is that a new nickname for me?"

I didn't realize what I said til she said

"it's a cute nickname"

I could feel my face getting heated and turning red
after our last classes I walked off to my room to get ready it was 3:30 so I had time to shower...while I was i was in the shower I heard a knock on the door "hello bakugou are you in there?"
it's kiri  "Yea"
I yelled out so she could hear me
"you left your pants"
"hold on"
I turned off the shower and got out since i was practically done and put on a towel around my waist and opened the door
"here you...."
she was cut off by my muscular body, she was blushing dark red darker than her hair
"like what you see~? I said while smirking
I chuckled and closed the bathroom door but then she grabbed my arm and pulled me close to her and kissed my cheek and ran off...I was standing there, a blushing mess
"I am sooo gonna get her back". After that I get out the bathroom and see her napping, she's soo cute I thought to myself then out of nowhere she said something "katsuki~" I was a little creeped out then she said it again "ahh faster katsuki~" I went back in the restroom and I realized that I was hard and took care of myself and moaned out kirishima's name quietly so that she couldn't hear me then when I got done I went back out and shitty hair was gone but as I check the time to see it's 3:53 I gotta hurry so I dry my hair and bring some clothes with me and go to her house.

~kirishima POV~

I had a wet dream about Bakugou and I liked it but I knew that he didn't like me but he was soo damn hot and I woke up and hear something from the bathroom but it was probably Bakugou struggling to change or something so I giggled and left.
~time skip at her house~
I arrived at her house and ring the doorbell "Hey Bakugou come on in" she greeted me with a smile "make yourself at home" I set my stuff down and we waited for the others...soon the others arrive and we play games "OK let's play truth or dare!! I go first kiri truth or dare?" "Ummm dare" "ooooh ok then I dare you to mmm to do a backflip" (idk) "ok" she did a clean backflip, everyone was shocked even me. "Ok Bakugou truth or dare?" "Dare I ain't no pussy" "I dare you to say a pick up line to anyone here" I blushed  and said "ok" then I went to kirishima and said "are you lost because heaven is a long way from here~" I blushed red and she blushed as well "smooth blasty" "shut the fuck up dunce face"
~kirishima POV~
I was speechless I didn't know what to say and I wasn't expecting him to do it so me "now dunce face truth or dare?" "Truth" "pussy but is it true that you have lost your virginity? "Uhh y-yes" "to who?" "S-sero" he buried his face in sero's chest because of embarrassment. The game continued on till we got bored then we watched a scary movie, halfway during the movie everyone except me and Bakugou fell asleep "ahh!" I jumped on Bakugou cuz of a scary scene "hah you're scared" "n-no I'm not I just jumped..." "mhmm yea sure pumpkin" "what'd you call me...?" "I-I called you shitty hair" he blushed "no I'm pretty sure you called her pumpkin" Mina said randomly "I thought you were asleep Mina" "well I was till you screamed" "oh.....sorry" "it's fine imma go back to sleep goodnight " "goodnight" "soo since they're asleep wanna watch a movie in my room?" "You have a fucking tv in your room?" "Yes" "ok then" we went to my room and Bakugou was shocked since I have a huge tv in my room (not that huge but y'all know what I mean....i think.) we put a comedy movie (let's say they're watching the new sonic movie) and we were basically cuddling on my bed "Hey?" "Yes Bakugou?" "Do you like me?" He said with a cute face, I blushed as red as the devil "I- uhh umm well y-yes I do" I covered my face with my blanket "look at me" he said with a serious tone and then something happened that I would have never expected he kissed me, I didn't pull back I kissed him back and then he pinned me to the bed....

~smut time~
(This is gonna be cringey)

He kept kissing then he slowly was making his way to my neck and left a few kinda noticeable hickeys then made his way to my chest area and took off my shirt and licked my nipples "mmm~" I moaned a little then he softly bit my nipple "ahh~" I tried to be quiet but I realized that the tv was covering the noises that I was making and the door was closed. I flipped him to where I was on top of him and I rubbed my ass on his member to make him hard and he got hard and flipped me over again to where he was top and he took off my pants and my underwear and liked my virgina, I shivered and moaned then he teased me by rubbing his member on me "do you want me to put it in~?" "Y-yes" "then beg for it~" "p-please katsuki i-i want you inside me" "good kitty" then he took off his pants and underwear and slipped his member inside me, he started off slow then he got faster "ahh~ k-katsiki~" "I-I'm close" "f-faster katsuki~" he started going faster "I-I'm cumming!" He took his member outside of me and came on my stomach, we cleaned up and went to sleep.
~time skip to morning~
~Bakugou POV~
I woke up to see a cute kirishima sleeping she's soo adorable I took a picture of here before she woke up then she made the cutest yawn possible "good morning blasty" "good morning red" I went and made breakfast but when I went downstairs I forgot that the where her but I didn't see them, they probably went home already so I went to the kitchen and made breakfast and called kiri to some eat "this is sooo good how do you know how to cook?" "My mom" "cool" after that we changed into some clothes and went shopping.
Word count: 1451

I'm gonna end it here cuz I have nothing else to write and my arms are tired but what did you think about the smut it's my first time writing smut so give me some tips umm and yea that's about it so...


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