\\Adapting to dorm life// Chapter 2

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"This is gonna suck"....
~kirishima POV~
"Oh it's you" I said with a disgusted look "don't give me attitude shitty hair!!" "Well you gave me attitude first soo" "tch" I went in and sat on the bed to the right and bakugou got the bed to the left. I had my side of the dog and the hot head got the the other side of the room. We have a bathroom in our dorm that we obviously have to share, this is already going bad but it's not too bad I guess. "Oi shitty hair imma take a shower" "ok blasty" "WHAT'D YOU CALL ME SHITTY HAIR?!!??" "Blasty" "you are soo dead after I'm done with my shower" "oh no I'm soo scared" "tch" he went in the bathroom and took a shower, tbh I was kinda nervous when he comes out so I went to check on the other and I figured out who is roommates with who...(these are my ships so sorry if you don't like them also x=roommates) kaminari x sero, todoroki x deku, momo x jirou, uraraka x tsuyu, tokoyami x shoji, (if I get the names wrong please correct me) and any other (ship) person you can think of.
~Bakugou POV~
When I went to find my dorm and my roommate I saw that same shitty haired girl, she's ok I guess I thought to my self but she's gonna be annoying. After some time I went to take a shower "Oi shitty hair I'm gonna take a shower" "ok blasty" the name was kinda cute- I MEAN I HATE IT "WHAT'D YOU CALL ME SHITTY HAIR?!!?!" "Blasty" "you're soo dead after I'm done with my shower" "oh no I'm soo scared" I 'tch' her and went to take a shower, I was a little shocked when she repeated when she said and I liked it and maybe was a bit hard but I took care of myself in the shower. After I was done I went out the bathroom and I didn't see kirishima in the room but then I heard her voice from another room and went to go investigate, I found that shitty hair was in pikachu's room doing each others hair (denki is a girl Incase y'all forgot) I thought that was weird but then again they're girls so it's an ordinary girl thing I guess. I went back to my dorm and laid down on my bed watching pewdiepie until shitty hair comes in all drunk!?!? She went to her bed and knocked out, I guess she had a fun time then I went to sleep.
~kirishima POV~
I was in kaminari's room with her roommate sero but he went to buy beer so me and kami talked about girl stuff..."soooo I see your roommate is Bakugou" "yea what about it?" "I know you like him" "pffffft that's a lie" "mhmm okay then" "I don't I'm serious" "ok then let's switch roommates-" "N-NO" I interrupted her with a red-ish face "AHHA I KNEW YOU LIKED HIM!!" "Ok well maybe I like him but he doesn't like me soo what's the point I already ruined my shot" "Well ten try again" "hello muchachas" sero said trying to speak Spanish "hey babe you got the beer?" Kami said excitingly (sero and kaminari are dating FYI) "yup, it was hard sneaking it in and I also got a LOT of febreeze so that the teachers don't suspect a thing" "ok then LET'S DRINK!" I said with with a shout but nobody heard me except kami and sero. After that I was HELLA drunk so I went to my dorm and went to sleep I didn't remember anything after that.
~the next morning~
I woke up and got ready for school as I was half way on taking off my shirt I realized that I was sharing a room and saw Bakugou staring at me, I blushed and looked away "I-I forgot that i was sharing a room with you don't judge" I said embarrassingly "heh nice bra" he smirked, I blushed a dark red "you ok there you look red" he said with the same smirk "s-shut u-up" I went to the restroom and changed but my school uniform was tighter than usual did someone switch my outfit? I said to myself and my chest area was sticking out more than usual. I went out and saw Bakugou shirtless I was blushing again "G-GO TO THE B-BATHROOM" "well you took too long so" "w-well st-still...just put a shirt on" I looked away and after he was done I asked him "do you have a spare uniform that I can borrow?" "Uhh yea why?" "Well mine is too tight around my chest area if you know what I mean" he looked at my boobs and started blushing "are you ok you're turning red?" "Uhh y-yea j-just p-p-put this on" he handed me a less tighter and a bit bigger uniform but I'll do I guess, After I was done changing me and Bakugou walked to class together and sat down in our seats. "Hey Bakugou?" "Yea?" I started blushing and said "Can I ask you something?"....
Word count: 954
Hahaha cliffhanger don't worry I'll write the other one in a flash I just had a hard time writing this since I didn't have ideas and yea also school stuff got in the way and I had to study since I had a test today and I did good I got an 100% I'm happy but I'll have the other chapter uploaded in 2 3 days so stay tuned and...


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