Behind the Door

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I opened the door.

    From the ground, seeds sprouted. Magic wrapped around them, I reached my hands out , and glittery winds swirled around my wrists. The wind blew into me and my hands shot up towards the sky. The seeds bursted open, sending out .

   Chartreuse braclets with ornate designs crawled up my arms. A belt of vines wrapped around my waist, and a green dress exploded from it. 

Out the window, I saw what I would rule over, the jungles.

I collected myself and ran out if the room. All my friends, had already gained their power, and were now waiting anxiously for me. I flung the door open. Cornemuse stood in front of my door, ready to save the world.

Cornemuse wore a tux that had assorted notes all over it, it even sang Frozen and lit up to the rhythm.

"Music?" I guessed.


  I looked around. Jay wore a dark black cloak, with a belt full of potions. Magic

Vergil had a tie with mountains on it. Now, I get why he's so tall!

Phat wore an outfit of trees like me, but it was covered with

"We have to hurry! We all have to get to the roof to control the portals, and I don't know how much longer Ethan can hold them off!" Cornemuse explained.

I grabbed his hand with my left and Olivia's with my right. Her hands felt like ice. Everyone joined hands. Olivia- Snow. Phat- Forrest. Justice- Sky. Vergil-Mountains. Cher-Jungle Cornemuse- Music,  Jay-Magic.

We flew to the roof.

All of our magic combined. Spinning in mad chaos, and the errupting in a spliting sound. 7  small chests sat in the middle of the circle. Justice, stepped towards one. She really looked stunning. A TARDIS blue dress with shimmering stars, but when you blinked it became a light blue sky with marshmallow clouds. She opened the chest. She transported.

"Well, I guess the portals have closed, except for these." Vergil stated.

So, we all opened their chests, so we could finish defending the world.

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