Chapter 6

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Chiron insisted on us staying for a feast to celebrate our new formed alliance. They had very little food to share, but what they had they gave generously. I was mesmerized by the female centaurs traditional dancing around the fire. There shadows moved on the dusty ground and seemed like their spirit was dancing with them. Their wavy hair twisted around their tanned human faces. The expressions on their faces were so different when they were dancing. Carefree.

Chiron was telling Leonidas about how the Gods had granted him immortality. I heard the story many times before. I knew now was the perfect time to slip away and summon Zeus. I got up from the forest floor and dusted off my blue dress that I was given as a gift to me from Chiron and vaguely told Leonidas that I was going for a walk.

The sky was painted with streaks of oranges, purples and pinks from the setting sun. The sky seemed to be the only beautiful thing in this dry unfertile land. I understood why the centaurs turned their backs on the Gods.

When I couldn't hear the sounds of celebration I touched the lightning bolt charm hanging from my neck. I followed Zeus's instructions and pointed it toward the sky. A flash of light burst from it and flew toward the clouds. I let a gasp escape my lips and dropped it in surprise.

"You have information?"  I jumped and looked toward the direction of Zeus's voice. He was as radiant as ever I don't know how I was ever going to get use to talking to the high God. I breathed deep and composed myself.

"Yes, I do. Leonidas has made an alliance with the centaurs." I explained. Zeus started to pace. He seemed confused.

"I thought the centaurs respected us. They have always been faithful." Zeus pondered out loud. He was the High God how could he not notice the centaurs scouring the land of resources in starvation and rage? I felt a flutter of anger enter my heart from his lack of knowledge. In my studies it made the Gods out to seem perfect without fault, but I guess when you live forever, you live forever with your mistakes. I realized I was starting to sound like Leonidas. Was his ways starting to creep into my mind and cloud my judgment?

"Leonidas and Chiron are discussing about releasing the... titans." I hesitated knowing fully well that Zeus would be outraged. I was correct in assuming this to. When I had finished the sentence his sandy eyes seemed like they were ready to throw out lightning bolts in my direction. I prayed he would not take out his rage on me. Then his face softened as if he had just figured out something

"Ha! It is impossible!" Zeus said in confidence that Leonidas would fail. I believed on the other hand that Leonidas could.  Zeus should not under estimate Leonidas's determination.

"I have told you all I know. I don't want them to start searching for me." I said quickly with my head bowed and turned to walk away.

"Is Leonidas falling for you?"

"I don't know." I answered honestly and continued to walk away from the God I was slowly losing respect for.

As I came into the clearing where the feasting had become more lively. Leonidas was dancing with one of the female centaurs. For the first time I saw him have no hint of worry in his eyes. He swung his legs like a true human would with no sense of direction what so ever.  I let out a laugh as he accidently kicked a nearby blackish gray male centaur. He apologized and looked in my direction as if he heard my amusement.  Leonidas grinned with boy like delight and danced over to me and grabbed my hand with a harsh tug.

"Adriadna! Join me in merry making!" He shouted over the laughter and strums of the lyre. I felt out of place. I never danced before. My cheeks flushed red as if I had been in the sun too long when Leonidas attempted to dance with me.

"I...I don't know how..." I stuttered trying to make my feet mimic the dancers around me. Of course it was difficult considering centaurs have four legs and I have two.

"Here I'll show you." He took both of my hands and put them high in the air. I looked down trying to understand his pattern of movement. 

"Just forget about learning and trying do everything right. Don't look at my steps... make your own." I found the meaning in his words. I have never made any choices in my life. I was told what to wear. I was told what to eat. I was told what my destiny was.

I closed my hazel green eyes and blocked out the sounds of the night and voices around me. I just heard the lyre strumming. My hips and feet began to swivel with the rhythm of my own. I smelled the faint scent of sweet grape wine on Leonidas's breath. His hands moved down my arms and stopped at my hips. We were moving together. We were as one person.

I opened my eyes and all I saw was him. I forgot about my mission. I forgot about Zeus. I forgot who I was supposed to be. In that moment all I felt was Leonidas's sandy God like eyes on me.

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