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Jack's POV: 

My hands shook as I organized my desk for about the millionth time that morning. Anxiety flowed through my veins as I sharpened each and every pencil in the small emerald cup that sat on my desk. I wasn't normally one to get nervous about things, in fact I was usually confident and composed. But today was my first day teaching at Dulaney and everything had to be impeccable. If I wanted to be a fantastic teacher I would have to make sure everything was just right, not just for myself but for the students too. 

Ten minutes. Ten minutes until my first Senior english class came in. I could hear the shuffling of people out in the hall, the cheers and cries of girls seeing their best friends after a long summer vacation. I could hear the clock ticking, reminding me I only had a mere nine minutes and thirty seconds before the students entered my room.

"I could always just bail." I thought to myself. "Get in my car and drive home. Watch movies."

But as tempting as it sounded, I knew I could never do that. I needed this job to pay my high rent and all those other stupid bills and taxes. If I were to quit, I would have to go live with my mom and dad, who just so happen to be the biggest cockblocks on the planet. I would never get laid.

I was so lost in thought about taxes and sex that I didn't even notice the scrawny caramel colored hair boy sitting at a desk in the back near the window. His eyes were staring intently at the book he was reading and pair of blue headphones were in his ears. His music was turned up so loud I could here it all the way from my desk. My eyes went wide with shock as I realized it was the boy from that one hot and humid day in July. Seriously? He of all people was in my class? I sighed inwardly, but then I thought, "maybe he was just having a bad day the day I met him." That made sense. "Just think positive." I told myself. "Don't let anything ruin your big day." 

More and more students filled the room as the clock got closer to 7:40. I drummed my fingers on the chestnut colored desk to try and distract myself from the nervous feeling I had. The bell would be ringing any second and I still didn't even know what my first words would be to my class. What was I supposed to say to them? "Hey guys I know you hate school but please try to be interested in what I'm teaching and don't be so fu*king annoying?" No, that doesn't sound professional enough. Maybe I should-

"Hey are you gonna talk to us or just drum your fingers on the desk the whole damn time?" The boy with the caramel hair spoke. The whole class erupted into a scornful laughter, making anger boil deep in my chest.

I could feel my cheeks burning the bright red color they usually do when I'm angry. "You know what Jack, these are a bunch of high school teenagers. You have nothing to be afraid of." I reassured myself. And with that in mind I stood up and shouted "shut the fu*k up!" everyone froze in their spots and looked to me. Most of the students looked surprised I that I had said that. I locked eyes with the caramel colored hair boy, seeing fear cross them.

"Glad I got your attention." I spoke, the corners of my lips turning slightly upwards, forming a smirk, eyes still locked with the boy's.

"My name is Jack, but I would like you to refer to me as Mr. Barakat." I stated.

"Why Mr. Barakat? Why can't we call you Jack?" A brunette girl asked.

"Mr. Barakat is professional, and I am a very professional person. I don't mess around. So if you plan on causing problems in my class, I suggest you get out right now." I spoke, a little surprised at my own words. I was never one to be strict, but I guess that is changing right now. 

"Now, I am going to take attendance, to make sure you're all here." I said, glancing down at my sheet. I started calling out names, trying to remember the faces of the people who said "here." 

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