-PART 8-

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⚠️warning slight smut⚠️

we sat in silence for the car ride but we were smiling, we enjoyed each others company as long as each other were there we were happy, I fell asleep for a bit of the car ride and slowly felt one on Chandlers hands come of the wheel and on tho my thigh. I smiled and rested my hand on top of his. And then I actually fall asleep and forget anything or anyone is around me. Except from Chandler, sometimes I feel he's the only good in my life. Yes I know it's bad cause of family and everything but me and Jimmy aren't full siblings. We're only half, we have the same father but different mothers hence the age difference and same last name. My mother was Hana Donaldson, well for a while although her maiden name was Hana Edenshaw I know really fancy that's why I chose my fathers name. And etc etc, my mother was abusive. She was drunk every day and whenever I did anything right or wrong she would hit me... she even stabbed me, not once not twice not even five times she stabbed be on 10 different occasions. It hurts to this day but I'm a survivor. I suddenly feel a swift blow of crisp air on my skin and wake up

'Nice nap princess?' He asks me

'Yeah it was alright, the ending could've been so much better' I say as he frowns

'tell me all about it' he says setting me down on his bed instead of mine

'Well the first half was- (I'm not gonna write it all out again only the emotional parts cause y'know we stan a sad girl like you should see my everyday)
and then the last bit was about my mother since me and Jimmy are only half siblings. My mother was very abusive. She hit me punched me kicked me anything to do with violence she did it... I was at my father house once when my mum called me home. I didn't want to go but my father insisted not knowing the troubles she caused. When I got back home she had something behind her back. I didn't understand and just walked up to my room until she grabbed me by my hair and stabbed me in the back. It hurts a lot. This happened 9 other times and the next part is the trickiest' I say with multiple years coming down my face

'Take your time Ellie all the time you need' i was shocked since Chandler never called me Ellie, it was always Ellsie or Ella

'I think one day I had enough. I ran away to my fathers home and told him all about what had happened. At this point I was 18 and she had been doing this since they split up when I was 4 so 14 years. He called the police and my mother had found out I was missing I was in he park crying when I heard her as clear as day behind me. I'll never ever forget those words
'You sneaky little bitch I should've killed you when I had the chance'
then she shot me 2 times in each shoulder' his time I hear sobs from Chandler as he gets into the bed and cuddles me as right as he can as I sob into his chest

'She won't hurt you, I'm heredon't worry' he said pecking my lips

' I'm so lucky to have you in my life Chandler'

We get into deep conversation as I fall half asleep as I get picked up

'No Chandler I wanna stay with you... also can you get these clothes off me their uncomfortable' I say as he nods and sets me back down then blushes a deep red as I wake up and wrap my arms around his neck pull him down and kiss me. The kiss was full of passion and even a bit of lust deep down in both of us

'It's fine Chan, just do it I won't be mad' I say as he starts taking my shirt of looking into my eyes the whole time then my pants still looking in to my eyes after I'm just in my underwear he kisses me but his time the list is there more. I lift chandlers shirt over his head and unbutton his jeans as they fall to the floor and damn he's huge

' I don't want to rush anything but I kinda need you right now' he says breathing heavily as I laugh and undo my bra and take it off him still looking into my eyes

'Stop! It's creepy!' I say as we both laugh

'Fine' He says as he kisses all down my stomach as he gets lower and lower to my heat he looks up at me for permission as I nod and he slides of my panties I sit up completely naked and slide down his boxers.

'Your beautiful' He says 'your more handsome' I say back as we kiss and he lines himself up

'Your not a...' he asks

'Yeah, it's kinda my first time' I say as he kisses me again

'I'll take it slow' he says as he slides in and it hurts it hurts a lot

'slow' I manage to get out as he goes very slowly as I soon feel a great amount of pleasure

'h-harder!' I say as I moan and he bury's his head into my shoulder finding a fast pace

'O-ooh! Harder Daddy!' I don't know what I said as I turned red as he went even harder and faster and his head getting up focusing on my scars as I whimper

'shh' he says as he steadys his pace and kisses each one

'shit, fuck. I feel weird' I say feeling a knot in my stomach

'baby let it go.' He says as I release and he pulls out and releases on my chest

'Shower?' I ask

'Yeah' as we both get up and kiss eachother laughing

My boy ~ Chandler Hallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now