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"Sin babey, what happened?" I sat on her bed and scooped her into my arms.

"He was kissing some one." She bawled hicuping.

"Who?" Mel asked.

"Calvin." I growled.

"Oh Sin." Mel smoothed her hair in comfort. She cried into my shirt, her ragged breaths shaking through my body.

"Lets get your shoes of." I said softly. Her hold on me tightened. "I wont go anywhere babe." I promised her. She didn't loosen her grip so I didn't move, keeping my hold tight on her.

We had been laughing about the morning paper's cartoon joke when Mel and Dean came up.


"Did Sin look ill before she left?" Mel asked holding her phone.

"No." Tony answered, she was grinning.

"She left?" I asked.

"Yeah. She just messaged saying she wasn't feeling well."

"Did she say what was wrong?" I frowned. She had been smiling when she left us, just as Tony said.

"She's not replying and this was about thirty minutes ago." Mel said.

"You wanna go check on her?" Dean offered.

"Yeah. I'm sure she's okay, but I just want to make sure."

"Let's go then. We'll come back if she's fine." Dean said.

"I'll come with you guys." I said standing up not waiting for an answer.

"Think that will be best." Mel nodded. "Just incase."

We left the club letting the bouncer know we would be back.

"You'll have to pay half cover fee." he said.

"Cool." I agreed. We would just call Tony to get us in.

"She wasn't looking sick at all." I said from the passenger seat of Dean's jeep.

"Thats why I wanna check on her. It might just be monthly pains, but I wont enjoy myself if I don't know for sure." she said.

I didn't say anything on the rest of the ride.

"Let me look for my keys, she might be sleeping by now.We were going to use hers because she had a jacket." Mel said.

I got out of the car and closed my door while she looked for it. It took a while which was understandable with the make up women carried around with them.

"Okay got it." she pulled it out and got out of the car. Dean closed the door behind her and we made our way up. I was anxious to make sure she was okay. It was a feeling I had been getting since we were kids, but it was amplified since she came back into my life.

"Let me go in and see if she's okay and then you guys can come in." Melisa said when she opened the door to their dorm.

"Fine." I muttered.

"I'm sure she's fine man, stop stressing." Dean said quietly so that Mel couldn't hear and incase Sinjen was awake.

"Im not." I told him. I had admitted my feelings to him and Brian last weekend and they had been very suportive. But also afraid that I would get hurt worse by her, now that I was in love with her and I knew it.

"You are. Now stop." he said. Then a loud sob came from the room.

"Oh Sin." Mel said. "What happened?" I didn't wait another minute. I brushed past Dean and through the door. It was dark but the two silloheuts on the bed were clear. As I got closer I zoned in on her face. It was lit up by the glow in the dark moon and stars on the wall.

My Blue Eyed BoyWhere stories live. Discover now