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Lorrie feels something soft beneath her, a bed. For a moment she thinks that she had been carried into her house, but the smell is off. This is not the warm smell of her home down town, no, this was the sanitary smell of a hospital.

She sits up slowly, opening her eyes. Lorrie immediately regrets it, the world around her spins, and her head pounds achingly. Ow... She thinks, she must have hit her head harder than she thought. Lorrie remembers everything about the crash, but feels oddly calm. She has no urge to cry over her mothers death, or acknowledging the fact that she has no more family left. It all seems so distant now.

One thing nags at her mind though, she didn't remember how she got yo the hospital. Lorrie probably passed out in the car.

Lorrie blinks to clear her vision, and leans back down on the pillow. The room is white, as every hospital is. The colour of purity, but such a blinding colour, the walls always seemed to have burned her eyes. How unfitting. A pale green curtain is drawn on her left, indicating that another patient is on the other side, sleeping peacefully.

Murmuring catches Lorries attention, one female, clearly agitated, and the other male, insistent. The door cracks open a smidge.

"-friend of the driver." Says the male with a sweet British accent.

"She's not stable... What would she do if she saw you?" Replied the woman, presumably a nurse.

"Please, I need to apologize. Pardon me." And then a boy slips into the room past a short nurse.

He's attractive. The first words that shot through her mind is that. The boy was tall, and lanky like an elegant cat. His white blonde hair shaggy, falling into his mystical green eyes.

He meets Lorrie's gaze and stops dead, his mouth falling open. "Holy Lord you're still alive." He gasps.

This takes Lorrie aback, who is this crazy nut? She nods slowly, "yeah, I am alive. How'd you know? The fact that I'm talking? Or that I'm moving, maybe?"

The boy raises an eyebrow, smirking. "Cocky as always I see, Loren."

"Funny, how do you know my name? It seems unfair that I don't know yours." Lorrie replies, cocking her head to the side.

The boy sighs, his shoulders slouching. "So you can break a mirror and do something completely against the code, but you seriously can't remember my angelic name?" He smirks, "well, you never used my name then either did you? You usually called me Angel Dude."

Looking at Lorrie's blank look he walks up to her and touches her forehead. "You know, I really hate it when I have to use my talent, but you'll know about me soon."

Lorrie feels a cool pressure deep in her mind, green-silver misty mixture that has a calming effect. After a few moments a small pressure she had not realized was there opens, a relieving feeling washes over her, and memories flow around her. Walking out of the white room, the bearded man, the boy with the wings... Silas, the girl in the mirror, and the shards dancing as they fell.

Lorrie looks up at Silas quizzically, "your wings are gone, dude, I think that's a problem. When angels lose their wings, usually they end up in hell." She thinks for a moment longer. "Am I in hell?"

Silas chokes on laughter. "Lord no, I'm just out of the spirit realms. In the flesh realm my soul tokens are hidden in my skin. Sounds painful, but really they don't exist."

"No, it doesn't sound painful. Just sounds kind of gross. Hiding wings under your skin." Lorrie replies, scrunching up her nose.

They fall into silence for a few moments, a thoughtful few moments, before the short lady who was guarding the door wobbles in. She's a short pudgy woman with mousy brown hair tied strictly behind her head in a bun. She wears blue scrubs, and holds a little clipboard. When she sees Lorrie sitting up and well, her plain face breaks into a grin that could probably make clowns cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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