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The white haired boy looks down at the paper as he awaits the girl to find her way here. Her death was quite brutal, ending up with damaged bones, plenty of bruises and blood. Hopefully she is still intact, if not then he will have to wait a while before he is able to return. It is truly odd, her mother has already come and gone, of course that was for the worst, but the boy has faith in the girl wandering in the dark.

* * * *

Click. Lorrie looks around the white room nervously, but she's alone. Someone must have just left the room. She looks around closely, she is in a white room. A pure white room, no furniture or anything save for a royal blue strapless dress hanging on the wall.

Lorrie looks down at what she is wearing, to her surprise she isn't in the clothes she was in before. Now she is dressed in a strapless white dress with odd little silver designs.

Confusion washes over her, how did she get here? Why is she here? Who put this dress on me? All essential questions. Only a few answers can be assumed, the person who brought her here and dressed her must've been the person who just left, but who is that person? Lorrie intends to find out.

She looks at the door and begins to approach it, but the blue dress catches her attention. Blue is her favourite colour, and the style is quite fetching. Lorrie walks up and touches the fabric softly, and squeaks. The fabric disappeared. She looks down and sees blue fabric around her.

How...? She thinks, and shakes her head walking towards the door. When she swings it open she is clustered with people. There is people everywhere, young and old, everyone talking, wearing only a few handfuls of colour. Tan, yellow, green, white, all pastel colours. Even the people seem pastel coloured, as if they are apart of a backdrop.

A man with a small beard, wearing pure white, looks at her, and hurries over smiling. He holds out his hand, and Lorrie shakes it gasping in surprise. She can't feel his rough looking skin.

"Hello, you must be Loren Krammer, am I right?" He asks kindly.

Lorrie is shocked that this random man knows her name, but she can't manage to work her mouth so she just nods.

The man continues speaking. "You must be very confused and bursting with questions," he chuckles. "But that will have to wait until another time, you see your over see-er had been waiting for at least a half year for you to arrive. That's quite a long time... He wasn't worried at all though. Quite a faith leaper no?"

Lorrie stares at him dumbfounded, not even managing the smallest nod. The bearded man smiles and begins to walk away, motioning for her to follow him. She stumbles to keep up with his long, fast strides. Quickly they reached a room, with blue pastel coloured walls. Seated at a blue desk is a boy, a young one at that.

The boy looks up suddenly, looking panicked, but seems to relax when he sees Lorrie. He brushes his white hair out of his eyes impatiently and stands up.

"Hey! I'm Silas, I'm your over-seer for the meantime." He says, offering his hand.

Lorrie doesn't take it, she is too stunned by his looks. Not that she is attracted to them, but they are strange, and enchanting. He is tall, and lanky like an elegant cat. His white hair nearly the same shade as his skin, and those eyes! A dark grey green with a silver loop in between the colour, not quite around the pupil. The most odd thing about his appearance though are the wing looking misty things sprouting from behind him.

Lorrie looks at them astonished, "dude, are those wings?"

Silas looks taken aback, "wings? Oh! You mean the soul tokens! Haha, they are definitely not wings!" He says as if that should be obvious.

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