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Just like that, everything was gone. Ben had told Callum so many times to stay away but Callum being Callum, he didn't listen. And now it's too late.

Ben has to fight for Callum. He cannot bare the thought of anything happening to him. He just knew his relationship with Callum was too good. What happened with Paul cannot happen to Callum. It's just can't.

Strolling round the kitchen in panic, Ben's head was all over the place. He needed that money in five minutes. All he could do was wait. Wait for that phone call from his father saying that the money is coming through. Violent ticking from the clock echoed in the silent kitchen, everyone of them lasting for what seemed like a life time. Ben felt so helpless. He just wanted to find Callum, beat the hell out of Keanu, and bring Callum home, kiss him and cuddle him saying that everything will be ok. Telling him that he loved him. Those words. Those words that Ben never got the chance to say. What if he'll never get to say them? What if he'll never see Callum again? It was all too much.

The silence was broken by Ben's heart wretching scream.

Tears flooded the kitchen floor. Ben couldn't control anything. Why? Why does he always end up hurting his loved ones? Time was ticking away. "I am so so sorry Callum" he splutters in-between coughing and crying. All of a sudden, upbeat music blasted from Ben's phone. Like a cheetah, Ben answered his phone at the speed of light.

"D,d,dad? Dad I have one more minute left." Ben spoke.

"Son, here's what's gonna happen.  I'm gonna find Keano and he's gonna get what he  deserves. You stay there!" Phil grunted down the phone, slightly out of breath. He was coming out of the airport.

"Dad, dad no!!! I need 100k now! Or Keanu is gonna kill Callum! Please dad!" Ben squarked in anger, fear and sadeness.  His dad was only going to make it worse. Ben doesn't want Keanu killed as he was the only one who knew where his beloved boyfriend was!

"Ben, I have to go now -" the phone started to break up, "listen, all I need you to do is get Keano. Get him and I'll sort him out." And with that, the call got cut off.

"AHHHHHHH" Ben yelled and threw the dining room chair. What was his dad doing? And will he ever, get his boyfriend back? 

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