Theatre Play

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Usually his weekends were packed with homework and studying. Daniel would spend most of the two days sitting in his room at his desk in front of the window, ignoring the view of the trees that were waving at him from the outside. Often he opened the window a little bit so that he could breathe in the relaxing sweet fragrance of flowers blossoming and hear the birds sing happy tunes but now that it was basically winter already he would probably only freeze off his fingers if he did that. The only breaks he would take were those for lunch, tea time and dinner and even though that didn't seem to be a lot when he thought about it, it was definitely enough for him to keep his concentration up.

But that was on a usual day.

Daniel sighed and looked at the cute green alarm clock that was sitting on his night stand in the shape of a tiny monster. It was half past ten and except for breakfast he hadn't gotten out of his bed yet. He cuddled himself back into the green and blue chequered bed covers and let his eyes wander through the room in search of something that could catch his attention.

His bed stood farthest away from the door to his room, in a corner neighboured by a small window and a closet. There was a bookshelf which covered an entire side of his room and every time he looked at it he was amazed by how many books he had read and how little space there was for new ones as they were already standing in two rows on most of the shelves. The opposite wall of it looked kind of bare in comparison. There were a few drawings he had made himself and was so proud of that he had framed them and hung them on the wall between the two windows. A painting of a forested landscape with whales swimming through the air was his favourite. In front of the windows stood an armchair in which he spend most of his spare time reading with some tea and cookies on the window ledge. And in front of the other window was his desk, empty and abandoned by him today.

In the end it was the bin that caught his attention, a small silver bucket filled half way with crumpled papers and discarded ideas. He sighed again as he made his way over to it and dug through it on his search for a certain piece of crumpled paper. When he found it, he sat down on the chair in front of his desk, one leg bent under his body the other leg hanging over the armrest and swinging through the air lazily. It wasn't the most comfortable position as at least one of his legs usually fell asleep but for some reason he always ended up in a position like that.

He laid the paper onto the desk unfolding it and carefully smoothing it out until he looked at the beautifully curved lines of Matt's face. Why had he drawn this? How had he not noticed who he was drawing? He knew that sometimes he got lost in his thoughts while drawing and didn't realise what he was doing until it was finished. The drawing of the landscape with the whales had been born the same way but hadn't he concentrated? Hadn't he tried to copy the picture as exact as he could?

Again he sighed and absentmindedly put the drawing underneath the place mat on his desk, propped his chin up on his hands and stared out of the window.

Matt had a stupid smile anyway. Why would he ever want to draw that? He huffed and reached for a pen so that he could draw a few doodles while he was thinking. He still didn't feel like doing his homework. It was the last weekend before the Christmas break anyway so there was no rush.

He suddenly ripped the paper and threw it into the bin as well. After only drawing a few lines he was already able to tell where this drawing would have been going. Matt's stupid smile, how his upper lip almost disappeared and how the corners of his mouth curled upwards and made his cheeks look even more round and soft, edging wrinkles into the skin on the side of his eyes and making his dimples even deeper.

"Stupid. Stupid looking smile," Daniel mumbled and quickly replaced his own smile with a frown. But why did Matt make him feel this way? What was he feeling? It felt so weird. He rubbed his stomach and writhed a little in his chair. What was this emotion? It irritated him a little that he couldn't tell what it was. Maybe it was jealousy? Was he jealous?

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