Love Letters

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Daniel held his phone in his hand weighing it like the options he had. He was still angry at his parents for ruining the lunch especially since it was the last lunch the four of them would have had together for along time. He stood up and pulled a backpack out of the closet. He had made up his mind. A knock interrupted him.

"Hey, Danny," his mother said when she stuck her head into his room after opening the door a slight bit.

"Hey, mum," Daniel replied and smiled at her but it was obvious that he had to force it. "What's up?"

His mother pushed a strand of her red hair behind her ear and closed the door behind her.

"What are you doing?" she asked and looked from Daniel to the backpack in his hands.


"And why are you packing?"

Daniel sighed and glared at her. "I'm going to spend the holidays with aunt Kimberly."

"No, you will not," his mother replied and glared back.

"What are you gonna do to stop me, huh?" Daniel angrily stuffed a hoodie and some underwear into the backpack and slammed the closet door shut.

"I forbid it."

He scoffed. "The last time that worked was when I was three. I'll see you in the new year."

Daniel grabbed his pyjamas and the plush sheep and wanted to push past his mother to the door but she stopped him.

"Your brother is a bad influence for you."

"The only bad influence I see is you and dad. Adam is right, you two are constantly fighting and it ruins everything. I'm spending my break at aunt Kimberly's."

He wriggled out of his mother's grip and opened the door.

"Danny, wait," she called after him as he headed towards the stairs.

"Don't call me that. I'm not five any more."

"I'm sorry," she apologised and walked over to him. "I found this in the mail for you."

She handed him a light blue envelope that was decorated with stickers of flowers and presents.

"Thanks," Daniel said and took the envelope from her. He carefully placed it between the pages of his book so that it wouldn't get crumpled in his backpack. "Anything else? Or can I leave now?"

His mother sighed defeatedly and nodded. She hugged him but Daniel shook her arms off and hurried down the stairs. He sighed in relief when he stepped outside without having run into his father. His mother usually seemed to be more understanding of his need to spend time away from them when they were fighting and of his wish to spend more time with his brother.

Aunt Kimberly greeted him with the warmest hug he had received in a while. She was already a bit older and her grey hair was flowing over her back like melted silver.

"Hello dear, it's so nice to see you."

"Hi," Daniel mumbled and didn't want to let go of the hug quite yet. It had been a while since he had last seen her.

"How are you doing?" she asked and immediately Daniel got the safe feeling of being home and being able to trust and confide in someone.Adam had definitely been right.

"Could be better, could be worse," he said and finally peeled himself out of her hug.

"If you want to talk about anything, I have two open ears for you," she said and smiled one of the warmest smiles he had ever seen.

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