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There had to be almost a hundred people  who went towards him, pinched his cheeks, and called him cute! CUTE! Thomas Leung is not, and will never be described as something petty as CUTE! Despite his rising irritations, 6-years old Tommy kept his cool and managed to say 'thank you' to every repititive complement he got throughout the hour.

The loud music and fancy demaneor of the party deemed useless to Tommy, as he looked at the festivities with a very-bored expression. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy parties, its just that Lucy promised to come to this one and he was tricked into this building in a suffocating suit and tie.

Getting bored of what was inside, Tommy slipped out through the doors, almost bumping into his parents who were focused on getting a proposal to another company. He crossed the gardens and went through the gates of the mansion. The guard-on-duty proceedes to sleep on the job as Tommy walked through. Continueing to walk through the path, he eventually walked into the vincinity of what seemed to be was a small park.

Tiredly, he sat on one of the swings and stared into the night sky. The park was quiet aside from the sound of crickets and the whistling wind. Finding peace in the silence, Tommy closed his eyes and allowed himself to be absorbed in it.


He immediately sat upright and looked around him. There was someone here with him!

"Show yourself", he said in a confident tone, "I am not afraid of you!" There was only silence.

"H-hey, I told you to come out. Stop playing" his voice began to shake in fear, and eventually, he began to threaten whatever was out there.

"I-i am a v-very important person, s-so don't even attempt to k-kill me" Tommy only stared into the darkness. After a few minutes of silence, Tommy sighed in releif as it was only his imagination and moved to stand up, when he heard a rustling in the bushes.

'A monster!' He immediately thought and  steeled himself.

"Hey there!" Tommy fell off the swing at how friendly the monster's tone was. Curios, he looked up and instead, saw a little boy who had his head peering up the bushes.

"What are you doing there?" Tommy asked in an almost annoyed tone.

"Scared you didn't I?" The boy in the bushes just laughed at him.

"NO!" Tommy's voice increased drastically in pitch, he almost sounded like a girl.

The bush-boy toppled over laughing.

"Stop laughing at me!" Tommy screamed at him. But Vance just continued to laugh his ass off at Tommy

Since then, they've been the best of friends and at some point it seemed more than that. Tommy always came back to the park each day to see and play with Vance.

They should've cherished their time together...

"Hey Tommy." Vance said once hot afternoon.

"Yeah?" Tommy's large eyes started at Vance in curiosity.

"No,  nothing forget it. " Vance turned his head towards the park scenery again.

"Common tell me~" Tommy said in eagerness.

"No,  let it go!" Vance said getting annoyed of Tommy.

"But what if it's serious,  shouldn't I be aware of it?" Tommy held a sincere tone while saying this.

"No,  it's just I won't be here in the weekend okay?" Vance turned to look at Tommy.

"Every weekend?" Tommy asked in a concerned voice.

"No just this weekend" Vance said. He expected to have Tommy get angry at him and throw another tantrum, but instead,  Tommy gave him his goofy smile again.

"Silly,  I thought it was something serious. " Tommy said getting up.

"Huh?" Vance said in a confused tone.

"It's okay,  Vance,  let's meet here again on Monday okay?" Tommy looked at Vance with determined eyes.


Tommy didn't come he that weekend as he knew Vance wouldn't be there anyway.  On Monday,  Tommy ran there to see him.

"Vance,  where are you? Its Monday,  let's play!" Tommy continued to shout around the park in look for his friend. By  the in the afternoon,  Tommy gave up and promised to come back again tomorrow.

However,  when Tommy did come back the following day,  Vance still didn't come. For two weeks, Tommy kept coming back to the park to find Vance.

On the Friday of the second week,  Tommy sighed and got up.  Drops of liquid rolled down his cheek then fell to the ground. Shocked,  he held his hand to his cheek.


Tommy fell to his knees and began sobbing and screaming.

"Why did you leave me?" He continued to cry until midnight when he finally stood up. He dusted his pants and rubbed his eyes.

"You know what? Fine! If your gonna leave me, then, I'll l-leave you too. You hear that Vance? Goodbye! Forever. " Tommy's voice trailed down at the last part.

He heard the bushes rustle. Surprised and somewhat hopeful,  he went towards the bush and made no hesitation into prying through it. He found nothing.

He stood in front of it, then ran throughout the night.

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