Chapter 1

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"Listen, this might be a big chance for you, you know?" remarked Andrew San Gabriel, as he calmly lit the butt of his cigarette. In front of him sat Vance Damoco, with a very curios expression, eyes practically dancing with much excitement. In his defense, it wasn't everyday when someone offers you a position as a secretary.

"Why are you telling me this again?" Vance asked in disbelief. The offer seemed too great of an opportunity to exist. Andrew just chuckled at Vance's doubts.

"I told you, I am leaving, and my boss needs a replacement ASAP." he said as he took another huff from his cigar.

"Okay, but why would you wanna leave? I mean you told me that you worked for a very high standing company, didn't you?" Vance slouched back on the chair, taking a sip from his glass.

"I have a good future ahead of me now. I want to settle down somewhere."

"But you haven't married anyone, and you are still young. Don't you wanna live some more?" Vance replied.

"Ah, that's a private reason there, but I also thought you would want your company to expand." Andrew looked at him with daring eyes.

He's got a point. Vance 's dream always only seemed to be to rise higher. He's already got a business going on, and if he was going to accept this offer, it would be a major leap for him. All he needed was to work under this anonymous CEO, convince him to unite their companies, and his dream will be fulfilled.

Picking up his glass once more, he faced Andrew. "So, you are going to just give me your position just like that?"

"My god no. My boss asked to see you work as his personal assistant first before deciding whether he will give you the position or not." Andrew told him.

"Fair, alright, I'll do it!" Vance said in a rather excited tone. "But wait", his voice suddenly seemed doubtful, "Who's this CEO anyway?"

The smirk on Andrew's face made Vance feel a little uneasy about his decision.

"Don't worry, you'll meet him Monday, your first day."

Thomas Leung simply strode through the corridor to his office. Everyone who he passed just bowed their heads as he walked by, knowing that they won't get any form of response anyway.

Tommy opened one of the two doors which opened to his office. Taking a look inside, it seemed that his office had too much unnecessary space. It was the size of a small house with nothing else but a large desk on the center. He owned the entire 69'th floor, and his secretary owned the next floor.

The thought suddenly deeming on him, he remembered that Andrew told him that he was going to have to have, a new secretary.

"Tell me Andrew, why do you have to leave?" Tommy said taking a shot of whiskey. It's been almost 4 hours since Tommy started drinking and to Mr. San Gabriel's surprise he doesn't look nor seem drunk.

Well, maybe he's not that surprised. Mr Leung, his father, was a very strong drinker. Maybe that's where Tommy got this from.

"I told you Euge, I can't. I want to see the world you know?" Andrew teased.

"Why bother going away to see the world when you have me?" Tommy whined like a little brat.

Andrew chuckled, although he doesn't look like it, the man's drunk to the brim.

"Well, Mr. Charming, you aren't my world so suck it" Andrew said as he stuck out his tongue.

"I envy you, you know?" Tommy started, catching Andrews attention

"says the one who's loaded with both money and praise" Andrew rolls his eyes playfully

Tommy slumped on the table, "Sure I'm rich and hella attractive--", "Narcissistic you mean" Andrew interrupted.

Tommy shot a daring glare making Andrew raise his hands with a smirk plastered on his face

"I have all that but freedom..." and at that the whole atmosphere just went gloomy. Andrews smirk soon turned into a frown as he slowly put down his hands

"See? You get to travel the world and do what you want, when you want to do it..." Tommy continued "while I, on the other hand, can only move if HE tells me so" at that moment, Andrew made up his mind. He's going to make it happen, no matter what the cause!

"Yow Tommy," he started, earning a hum from the other drinking every single drop of whiskey left on the bottle.

"I know a guy, who is more than capable to be your secretary" this interested Tommy as Andrew isn't the type to do this.

"If you want, I'll bring him in the office tomorrow"
He continued.

"Hold up Andrew, I didn't even say yes yet" Tommy said finally sitting up straight

"Trust me man. I'll even train him if you want" he insisted.

Tommy wasn't all sure about Andrews suggestion, but he knows well that Andrew wouldn't recommend just anyone. Besides, it means that Andrew will stay at least a bit longer.

As much as he doesn't want to admit it, he's grown very fond of Andrew as aside from being his personal secretary since who knows when, he was also his best friend.


'I don't even remember whether I said yes or no to Andrews offer or not' Tommy thought.

But he can't take anything back as right now, sitting in front of him, a tall, white man who seems to be beaming with enthusiasm, much to Tommy's distaste as he prefers cold and secluded.

'He's got the looks' He admitted, 'but it's talent that I am seaking'

"So... Mr. Damoco was it?"


'Heaven of hell? Pain or pleasure? Joy or Sadness? What will the two bring each other now that they have been introduced?' Mr. San Gabriel thought.

"Oh well, none of my business" he inhaled the toxic smoke into his lungs

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