The Creation

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Mechanics whirring..

The clenching and unclenching of metal against skin, the sickening rip of human flesh being pulled aside and placed onto the metal table.
The soft chatter from the surgeons cutting through the stiff air like a knife. The blades slitting across the skin easily, blood spilling and pooling up and over the body of the boy.
The thick red liquid staining the metal table beneath him, dripping down onto the polished floor below.

No one realised the boy was attempting to sit up before they pushed him down, him still passed out, and procedure no where near finished.

Time passed by slowly and steadily until the procedure was finished, the teenager's organs replaced with newly created mechanical equipment in attempt to work like any other human. But of course, no one knew of how the boy truly worked once freely let out of the facility.

He was no longer seen by any of the workers, being let out into the world of the unknown.
He didn't get much chance right away, set up in an abandoned house, seeking refuge until he was loaded up, soft hums like a computer emitting into the air as his eyes opened slowly, blinking lightly.
Eyes averting around the white washed walls and unpolished surface  below him, hazel orbs lighting up the dim room with an idle look.

He looked like any other ordinary teenager, despite the large scars beneath his clothing. He stumbled forward, the soft shutter of his eyelids closing and opening made him question what had happened..
The last thing he remembered was the split second of him beside his mother in what seemed to be in a waiting room before it cut to black.
His memory cut short and hazy, the split second frame was all he could seem to remember nothing more and nothing less.

A foreboding feeling riddling deep within his gut.. body slowly trudging forward, fingers clenching into a fist as he turned his head, quiet chirp of birds from the outside world causing his body to shudder.
His hair stood on end as he shuffled over to the closest window, it being boarded up made it hard for streams of sunlight to pour through.

His fingers curled around the rotting woods, eyes scanning over the material before he tightened his grip, forcefully pulling.
The wood peeled, shards of the damp bark falling to the floor with a soft clatter as the boy continued. Eyes narrowing, a harsh stare of determination shining through his glossy robotic eyes.

The nineteen minute long process finished the wish for freedom.
The boy pulling and throwing the wood aside, the unnatural creation was the star of the unknown.
He was wishing for the escape, the escape experiment.
All he was was an experiment, he wasn't a being.. A human being, all he was, was the creation of the hidden.
The hidden being the government, he didn't know what his task was, all he knew was that he was created for something.

The sunlight temporarily blinded him as he fluttered his eyes shut and open a few times with small shutters of each eyelid movement.
His fingers grew idle, resting against the windowsill as he stared outside, small birds perched upon a dead tree outside, squawking loudly.
Colours a blur, greys fading to a light blue or at least what was seen of the sky, hidden away beneath the dull clouds above.
He fiddled with the latch of the window, a soft click being heard as he slowly pushed the glass window open, pulling himself up; leg by leg.

His hands came after, body shifting to turn around, hands pushing him down as he fell with a soft clatter.
A small mechanic whirl filling the air as he stood, dusting himself off, not an ounce of pain flourishing through him.

His eyes moving with soft scanning sounds as he turned his head, legs moving with soft cluncks, shuffling through the grassy flooring.
Hands slowly brushing against his sides as he walked onwards, body slumping with each footstep.
No one was around, the area seemed empty, lifeless..
Like an unfinished virtual reality of a town. He pursed his lips, turning his head both left and right, still no human in sight.

He bowed his head, letting his feet come to life, as his body trudged onwards, letting him disperse out of imagination and into reality.
Just walking onwards, waiting.. watching, hunting..
Just wanting to be found and hoisted out of the empty reality he was planted in.

Experiment T-805Where stories live. Discover now