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His tongue felt like sandpaper, dry and distasteful, harshly rubbing against the dry tip of his mouth.
The silence eerie and unwelcoming, daunting and disturbing; unable to be torn from reality to imagination.
His mind wavering between the horrors of realisation, the realisation that his tangible thoughts were nothing but mere programmed illusions to hypnotise and manipulate his mind.

He was self aware, he knew of the creation he was, a foolish excuse of a machine created as an experiment of the human race.
Lost and pondering each next move as his eyes scanned over the lifeless and colourless world around him. The soft whirs of the machine within him creating suffocation amongst the mind, creating and surrounding him in a prison he created for himself.

The buzz of the creation within his torso burning his insides, overworking and creating soft black smoke that escaped from his nostrils and mouth, dispersing into the air.

His feet came to a halt, body lurching with the sudden stop of movement, body rebooting like an overused pc, the loud resetting whirs and clicks within his body causing his mouth to hold shut, as if his skin was stapled shut. The irritation of the machine rubbing against his flesh caused his hair to stand on end, a suffocating feeling climb up from his chest to his neck.

His mouth clenched, throat burning as his eyes clicked open, burning with the oxygen and carbon dioxide surrounding his body. The tar smelling fumes emitting from his body as his mouth finally opened, exhaling deeply before inhaling once more.

And just like that, the system rebooted; ready for the following movements. Legs moving with the soft clatter of the machine within, thumping against the concrete path.
His body didn't feel like his own and he understood why, the creation he was wasn't his desire.
Created without a word of his own, distaste settling within his gut as he narrowed his hazel eyes at seemingly nothing.

The small chirp of birds overhead was all that snapped him out of his own reality, and that's when it settled..

The distant voices of human life, or perhaps further artificial intelligence beings.. It was unknown for now, the boy turning his head with a small crack, before he raised a hand to his neck, gently rubbing it.
The leathery skin beneath his fingertips felt foreign, body despising the feel of it against him. His hair stood on end, fingers trailing down to the base of his neck as he curiously prodded at the bones beneath. Collar bones, or what humans had at least, his face contorted in confusion, pausing mid stride.

Maybe he was human..

The thought dragged his thoughts over, pulling them tight before letting it snap back like a stretched rubber band, disappearing into the unknown once more.
Curiosity perked his interest, eyes glancing down with the soft tilt of the head, his body built like an ill-fitted teenager, maybe the age of a young teen. 13, 14?
The answer was unclear.

All he knew was that just by tracing his fingers over his torso he could easily feel the machine set within him, the metal like bones against his sickly thin skin. His fingertips tingling with each touch as he felt the soft bubble of carbon dioxide pop beneath, emitting from the machinery within.

His eyes shut and open softly with quiet clicks, head returning upright as he glanced around, reality taking over as distant people spoke to one another. Him stood amongst another, he couldn't hear a word being spoken, lips moving wordlessly as he stared at the unknown person before him.
Perhaps a childhood friend, another machine, perhaps family..?
It was unclear.
He couldn't remember a thing, the blonde boy infront of him stood an inch taller, circular glasses rimming his blue eyes, a childish smile over his wet, glistening lips. His body posture emitting the excitement of what could only be explained as childlike, bouncing in place and hands moving with his wordless speech.

He tilted his head softly, eyes scanning over the teen in front of him, trying to read the other's lips. But to no avail, he turned away, glancing over across the street. A house stood tall, polished and neatly built, two adults outside talking to one another. A white moving van behind the man who seemed to be a worker, his eyes averted back to the lady, short brown hair to her chin and earrings hanging from her ear lobes. Clothing a soft violette cardigan over some cuffed jeans, any typical young mother. He could tell.

Perhaps his mother..?

He didn't remember, a hand placed upon his shoulder made him turn his head back to the boy beside him with a small jolt, eyes meeting his blue orbs of worry. He still couldn't hear a sound.. maybe it was supposed to be this way. He didn't know, well- not at all, not anymore. He gently shook the boy's hand off his shoulder with a small shrug, shoulders moving with a small crack as the blonde boy raised a brow of curiosity.

The woman looked over at the two noticing his stare, before bidding farewell to the worker as she made her way over, checking the road before crossing. She blinked softly, breathing slowly as she looked at the blonde boy, speaking in the wordless language he didn't understand before the blonde's eyes dropped slightly as he nodded in understanding.
Him turning back to him, the two boys sharing a small gaze as the blonde mimes a small apology, enough for him to read, slow and steady as he nodding weakly, glancing up at the lady.

It didn't take much longer for the blonde to wave goodbye scurrying off down the street as he turned to the older, eyes meeting hers.
She reached into her cardigan pocket before reaching forward, clicking two creations into place before the surreal touch became reality.
The boy slowly opening and closing his eyes as sound overcame his senses, the squawking of birds becoming more clear as the lady smiled reassuringly.

"Sorry for not giving them sooner sweetheart.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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