⑅˚₊ countdown to the 21st: D̶a̶y̶ t̶h̶r̶e̶e̶

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You shrieked as you looked at your best friend, a twinkle in your eyes.

"yes yes, party lake." he said, chuckling softly

"We haven't been to party lake in ages!"

"It's only been a couple of years."

"But still!"

"Why are you so excited?"

"because a party at party lake is the best!"

"only you had parties at party lake dumbass."

" I know just still." you puffed out your checks, pouting slightly.

You thought of all the parties you had at party lake. You had them ever since you were six, you love swimming and running around the lake, having a picnic with the Bakugos and then teasing Bakugo for any little cute thing he did. Party lake was the best and not just that but party lake helped you forget all about your parents' death. You stopped going to party lake when you got into middle school, homework, and tests were just too much and you didn't have much free time to go out and have fun.

Especially since your birthday is at the end of March, March 21st and in like five days from that March 26th is the start to prepare for your test on March 30th so finally going back there was a dream come true and a great way to let loose, especially since you're in the hero course and a lot of stressful stuff happens in the hero course. 

You and Bakugo talked even more, mostly about going back over there and just chilling there for a while. It's close to Bakugos house and Bakugo's house is pretty close to the school so it wasn't so far, only 5-10 blocks top. What you guys never though, was that one sneaky person was eavesdropping on your conversation and making a plan with another sneaky person. Bakugo isn't the only who wants to give you the best birthday ever and isn't the only person who wants to confess to you either. Thiers two other students who want to give you an amazing birthday and confess as well, but of course they have to get rid of the main target. Katsuki Bakugo.

You sat up and stretched. looking at bakugo, a smile on your face.

"I'll get changed and then we can go"


You walked away and made a turn to go to your dorm, a certain blond catching your eye.

"oh, hey Denki!"

He jumped and looked at you, rubbing the back of his neck.

'Why Is she so pretty' he wondering while he smiled and waved

"Hey Y/N! What's up?"

"oh nothing much, just going to hang out with Kit Kat"

"kit kat?"

"oh ya, I forgot that you don't know who kit kat is. It's bakugo."

"so it's like a special nickname, just like when Deku calls him Kacchan?"


"oh! Do I have a special nickname?"

"ya Pikachu."

"but everyone calls me that." he said, pouting

"hm...how about Jolteon!"


"ya! It's another electric type Pokemon, one of my favorites to be honest."


"Mhm. Anyway, I have to get changed. See you around Jolteon" you said smiling while you jogged to your room

"B-Bye.." he smiled back, trying hard to hide his blush

You opened up your dorm room door and rushed in, starting to rummage around your closet. You threw a pastel pink shirt, blue overalls, and a pastel yellow jacket on your bed. You bent down and grabbed the pastel blue vans, observing them and smiling.

"I can't believe they came out the way I wanted." you smiled, proud of the shoes that you painted.

You put them down in front of your clothes and walked to your vanity, sitting down and brushing your hair while humming. Putting your hair into a bun and getting back up and walking to your closet and grabbing one of your one-piece bathing suits, grabbing one of your duffel bags and slipping it in, adding some extra clothes and a baby blue towel in the bag as well.

After changing into the clothes that were on your bed and slipping on your shoes, you walked out of your dorm and walked up behind Bakugo, pouncing on him and staying on his back.


"Whatever" he chuckles and holds onto you tight, starting to walk out of the dormitory and to the lake.

You inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of the outside. Bakugo put you down as he started taking off his shirt.

"wanna swim?"

"I would but I don't have my bathing suit under this and there's nowhere to change."

"Give me your towel."

You looked at him confused but just shrugged it off and handed him what he wanted. He grabbed his towel and walked over to you, protecting your body by using the towels to cover the front and back of you.

"Now you can change."



"And what about you.."

He looked away from you, trying hard not to blush. "I won't look either."

You sighed and nodded, taking off your clothes and putting on your one-piece bathing suit, hoping it'll fit. You finished and looked at him.

"Kit Kat, I'm done."

He nodded and you grabbed your towel, he turned to look at you and he blushed immediately. Your bathing suit really showed off your body in all the right places so it makes sense. You ran to the water, dropping your towel off near it and jumping in.


He smiled while he grabbed his phone, adding a note. As soon as he was done he laughed and  joined you, jumping in after you. You guys had so much fun that you guys didn't notice that you both were being watched.

~Party place~

•Party lake

- Katsuki Bakugo

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