Reuniting With Friends

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She quickly found Jackson, as he was always in his office when Alexa arrived. It seemed like everyone felt the need to hide away from her when she arrived. She asked him if her friend could come over, and he said yes, as long as they stayed out of his office. That was only his request, because one summer when they hung out, they had messed with a bunch of stuff in his office, trying to get the best places for a game of hide-n-seek.

She promised they would stay out, and ran back up the stairs to her room to text Arimya that she could come over whenever she wanted to. Arimya responded quickly and said she would be on her way in 5 minutes. Alexa went to raid the kitchen for snacks to hide in her room for them to eat, especially if Arimya could stay the night.

She traveled at a slow pace, wanting Arimya to be able to help her pick snacks for them, but also so she didn't have to come back downstairs to get the door. Arimya knew the code since there was a different one during the summer, so Arimya could come over, but it was changed as soon as Alexa left, so her friends couldn't come over during the summer and just walk in.

She had plenty of chips and cookies and candy, but she heard a knock on the door and left it all on the counter while she ran to the door screaming. She opened the door as fast as she could, and hugged Arimya tightly. They shed some tears, and then Arimya followed Alexa to the kitchen to finish getting snacks.

They went back up to the room that they shared, because since Alexa's mom could afford it, they had gotten Arimya her own bed at their house, and promised that if she needed a place to stay, whether Alexa was there or not, she could come over. She was pretty much considered Alexa's sister by her mom.

Once they were shut away in Alexa's room, they started stuffing their faces with the snacks they had picked. When Alexa was at her mom's for the summer, a lot of shopping had to be done to soothe her never-ending hunger. The girls decided to watch something, but only after they told each other about all the latest gossip from their school.

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