He Doesn't Look Bookish

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People were hard to understand. A lot of them were loud and rude and frankly just too much for you to handle. You preferred avoiding dealing with them too much. Of course it was impossible to completely avoid them though. And you were at a point in your life when you liked the idea of finding someone to be in a relationship with.

That was going to be difficult though. Sure you were cute, some may even say beautiful, but dealing with people just wasn't your forte. While your looks had a habit of drawing men in, your quiet and nervous personality sent them away just as fast. It was a ruthless cycle of attraction and disappointment and it had you already making plans to become a crazy cat lady in the future.

Now books, those were easy for you. You loved them. It was easy to get lost in one for hours and get to know the characters without the need for messy introductions. You could practically travel to different lands by immersing yourself into the pages. And you liked real books, not the digital ones as much. Nothing beat buying a new one to add to your ever growing collection on the bookshelf at home.

In fact, that's what you were up to today. There was a sale going on at your favorite bookstore that was simply called Robin's Corner. The owner, Robin, was a sweet woman. She was older than you but still in her prime with flawlessly good looks and a winning personality. On a rare occasion, she'd say some rather odd things with a straight face, usually scary things, but besides that she was pretty normal.

You pushed the door to the shop open and the bell above it chimed merrily, announcing your arrival.

"(Y/n), it's wonderful to see you again." Robin greeted you with a warm smile.

That was the other thing about her. She was always relaxed and so easy to talk to. You two had chatted pretty often and you were both on a first name basis because of it.

"Hey Robin." You smiled back. "I'm in for my fix."

"Of course." She laughed. "You know, I got some new titles in just the other day. I think a few might interest you."

She pointed to the section labeled new arrivals and you practically skipped over. This was the only place you got your books at so she knew exactly what kinds of reads you were always looking for. And just as she said, you did find some that you were itching to read.

You had a few already in your arms when the bell chimed again and a boisterous group of men came in. The sudden noise almost made you drop your stack as you jumped, but you managed to keep a hold of them.

One of them was especially loud, a rough looking redhead. He had some major scarring along the side of his face and chest but whatever was said among the group had given him an innocent enough looking smile. He was still scary though. With him was an equally tough blonde man, his hair covering his eyes and reaching down to his backside easily. Then two taller men, one with black hair covered up by the hood of his jacket and a very stoic expression on his face. The second had long wavy blue hair that fell past his shoulders and wore a more somber expression. You could see thorn tattoos wrapping around his neck and disappearing under his shirt before reappearing along his arms.

When you looked up to his face again, he was staring right back at you. It surprised you enough that you actually did drop the books this time and they fell to the floor loudly. His friends looked over to see the commotion as you stooped down to pick up the mess. Great, one caught you staring and now they all probably thought you were a klutz to boot. Why did you care? You didn't know, but now you were blushing madly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

A set of large hands joined yours in picking up the books. You chanced peeking up and saw the blue haired man looking at you through onyx eyes.

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