Chapter Thirty

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"There he is!"

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"There he is!"


"There! Quick!"

Piper threw her arms around Dirk, pulling him into a sudden embrace and nearly choking the boy as his chin jutted against her shoulder.

"Piper!" Dirk exclaimed, his voice raspy once she finally let go of him and he could sit up straight again, "What was that about?"
She glanced around the library - not many people were in sight as they sat at one of the tables in the far corner. "I thought I saw Darien." She mumbled sheepishly.

"Was it actually him?"

"What?" She asked, quickly raising a finger to her lips to remind them to keep their voices low.
Dirk sighed, "You can't freak out every time a boy walks past. There's got to be a better way of doing this."

"He doesn't believe us." Piper hissed desperately, "Darien's already suspicious. I spoke to Ruby, in my Charms class, and she said he's been talking to people about us. He thinks we're lying, and soon he's going to start asking why."

"I don't really understand what the big deal is." He mumbled, looking down at his Potions essay, which was now scrunched up and slightly torn in the corner.

"If-if he finds out, he'll tell everyone. The whole school will know... About me. That's terrifying. Someone could... It wouldn't be safe for me." She whispered.
Grimacing, he replied, "You're right, sorry. I... I keep forgetting about how serious this is."

"Well what should we do?" She asked.

Dirk sighed, closing his book and turning to face the girl as he thought, "We just need to convince Darien and his friends that we're dating, so he completely leaves you alone? Well that's simple, surely."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean we have to go on a date. That's what real couples do, isn't it?"

Piper smiled warmly, "Are you sure you'd want to?"

"Of course. We could go to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop - where all the couples go. It would look like a date to everybody, but it would actually just be two friends hanging out." He shrugged nonchalantly.
"Oh great!" She sighed happily with relief.

"Now, I really hope you don't mind but, I do need to get on with some studying. I'm sure Esmerelda and Regulus are around somewhere." He offered with a small smile, dipping his quill into the pot of drying ink.

"Ugh!" Piper groaned loudly, dramatically sinking down in her chair, "They're never around anymore! Seriously, when was the last time you saw them?"
Dirk shook his head, "Transfiguration. This morning. I sat next to Esmerelda. Regulus had moved to sit behind us."

"Well that doesn't count." She grumbled, "I mean properly seen them. Where do they go? Don't you wonder what they're up to?"
"Not particularly."
"Do you think they're... Excuse me, getting together? Maybe that's why they're never around anymore."

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