Chapter Twenty Three

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The Saturday morning Esme decided to post the letter was the coldest it had been in some time. Tightening her scarf around herself, she scaled the icy stairway up to the Owlery. Cold wind howled through the open building, whipping at Esme's exposed ankles. Her fingers trembled as they opened up the pocket of her coat, searching for the letter.

She hadn't slept the prior night. Instead, she had lain in the Ravenclaw common room, pouring over the letter and trying to figure out the best way to get everything out.
What had originally planned to be a short letter was now practically a short novel - detailing all of the events that had unfolded over the past months.

Andromeda had to know the facts if she was going to be able to help them.

And Andromeda had to help them.

Pulling the envelope out of her pocket, Esme's eyes scanned over the address scrawled on the back of it. Perhaps she should have consulted Regulus before sending the letter, but that would only waste more time.
Summer was drawing close faster than they'd expected and Esme knew it would take considerable time-consuming planning to be able to escape the clutches of the pureblood families and Regulus' initiation - particularly with the trace still on them.

She had to post the letter and it had to be today.

Esme thread a small piece of string through the hole punch in the letter and was approaching one of the owls perched on the shelves when she was nearly knocked off her feet.

Stumbling forward, she outstretched her arms to catch herself against the window frame. Something had knocked the wind right out of her.

"What is this?"

Turning around now, clutching her stomach as she planted, it dawned on Esme that she was no longer holding the letter.
Instead, she looked up and it was in Mulciber's tight grip.

"I don't recall your name being written on it, so I'd hazard a guess that it's none of your bloody business." She snapped sharply, taking a threatening step towards the boy.

Mulciber snorted, "Your parents should have taught you better manners. Then I might not be so inclined to read..." He trailed off as he looked down at the envelope.

Feeling a lump rise in her throat, Esme knew she had truly screwed herself this time.

"Andromeda Tonks? The blood traitor Andromeda Black?" The Slytherin boy looked up at her now, "What are you doing writing to her."

"You really think I'd tell you?" She spat venomously, lurching forward to snatch back the letter but Mulciber recoiled just out of reach.
He scoffed, "Well the others are on their way up, anyway. So you'll have fun explaining it to them."

"The others?" She frowned.
"Merlin, Avery, I thought you were meant to be smart." The boy chuckled smugly, tearing open the envelope.



Looking at who had just walked into the Owlery, Esme decided she wanted the Earth to swallow her whole. It could not be possible for her to have much worse luck.

Rosier, Ignatius, and Regulus stood gathered in the doorway.

"Ignatius." She replied curtly, lips tightly pursed.

The older boy glanced between his sister and Mulciber. "What exactly is going on?"
Silence fell over the group for a moment, each other staring around at the others, hoping someone would speak up.

"Well?" Ignatius raised his eyebrows, "Mulciber, explain then."

"R-right." The boy stammered, "Your sister was going to send this."
He handed the envelope to Ignatius, the letter still tucked inside as he hadn't had chance to read it yet. That much Esme was grateful for. If they read what was in the letter, not only was she in trouble, but Regulus' life would be pretty much over.

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