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H O G W A R T S : S C H O O L


TO say Hazel was bored was an understatement, the young girl was ridiculously bored, her godfather wouldn't allow her to stay in the Potions Classroom as he didn't trust the dunderheads he taught, he also wouldn't allow her to stay with her grandpa Al, her godfather said Albus Dumbledore was conniving and manipulative, not to mention senile, whatever that word meant.

So, she skipped towards the staff room, having just escaped her grandma's classroom, intent on annoying her godfather, who was on his break, she pushed the door open.

"Uncle Sev..?" she called out but was confused when she saw Gryffindors and Slytherins crowding the staff room, the Slytherins, and a few lions smiled and or patted her head as she moved towards the front, she smiled up at Professor Lupin. "Hullo, Professor!" she beamed, "May I stay and watch your class?" She asked, unconsciously making puppy eyes. The DADA professor grinned, "Of course, Miss Snape." Hazel scrunched up her nose, "I'm not 'Miss Snape', Professor, my last name is Williams." A flash of recognition showed in the tired man's face, but Hazel didn't notice (she's five years old, what do you expect? She has more important things to worry about, like how she would convince her Godfather to buy her a pet kneazle, or a puppy!), she smiled up at him and skipped her way to Severus' chair, she climbed up into the chair, nicking a chocolate biscuit from the table beside the chair. Watching the class eagerly.

"Intriguing isn't it?" Professor Lupin paused, "Would anyone venture a guess as to what is inside?" Professor Lupin started walking to the front, "That's a boggart, that is." Dean Thomas replied, "Very good Mr. Thomas." The man smiled, "Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows," Hermonie says, Ron mumbled something the young girl couldn't quite hear, and Professor Lupin turns to Hermonie. "Boggarts are shapeshifters. They take the shape of what the person fears the most. That's what makes them so.." Hermonie trails off, "So terrifying, yes, yes.." Professor Lupin stood in front of his class, hands in his pockets.

"Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart." The D.A.D.A. professor paused, "Let's practice it now, uh, without wands, please."

"After me. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" The whole class said, together.

"Riddikulus." Hazel mumbled under her breath, chomping on her stolen biscuit, the house elves makes lots anyway, she reasoned in her head.

"Very good. A little louder and very clear. Listen; Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" They repeated.

"Very good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter." Hazel giggled, and nicked another biscuit from the tray. "You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing... Let me explain, Neville! Would you join me please?" Neville hesitated, "Come on, don't be shy. Come on." Professor Lupin encourages.

Neville steps forward, and Hazel eagerly watched them, "Hello. Neville, what frightens you most of all?" Professor Lupin smiles kindly at him. Neville mumbles something under his breath, "Sorry?"

"Professor Snape." Hazel giggled loudly, "Professor Snape." Professor Lupin laughs quietly, "Yes, frightens all." Professor Lupin added quietly. "..And I believe you live with your grandmother." Neville nods, "Y-yes, but I don't want it to turn into her, either." Professor Lupin grimaced, "No..." He glanced to the wardrobe, "...it won't. I want you to picture her clothes. Only her clothes. Very clearly, in your mind."

"..She carries a red handbag.." Neville describes, "We don't need to hear. As long as you see it, we'll see it." Neville nods again. "Now. When I open that wardrobe, here's what I want you to do.." Professor Lupin walks over to Neville and whispers something in his ear. Hazel sat up on her knees, clutching the chocolate biscuit in her hands, "Can you do that? Yes. Wand at the ready." Professor Lupin takes out his wand, "One, two, three." The wardrobe door opens.

Hazel watched as her godfather comes out of the wardrobe, she grins,

"Riddikulus!" Yelled Neville.

And Hazel giggled, her godfather was  now wearing a vulture hat, a green dress, with a fox scarf and a red handbag.

Hazel claps her hands, laughing alongside the third-years.


Smiling widely, Hazel approached Snape, she tugged at his robes, "Uncle Sev!" Severus looked down at her, and picked her up, "What?" He grunted, Hazel giggled and told her Godfather about the DADA class.

Severus sighed at the sight of a chocolate biscuit his goddaughter held, no doubt she had stolen it from the tray beside his chair.

Severus frowned upon hearing that he was Longbottom's boggart. Minerva was going to skin him alive. He carried his Goddaughter to the staff room, as she babbled on about things happily, Severus ignored the looks the first years were giving him.

Snape's carrying a girl?? In his arms??? I though he hated children, why is she happy to be in with the greasy git? Snape almost snorted.

He entered the staff room, Minerva sat in her usual chair, glaring hard at him, Remus Lupin sat meters away from her, a stack of parchment by his side, he twiddled his thumbs together, looking guilty and sheepish.

Snape sat at his chair, Hazel sitting comfortably on his lap, Minerva would dare not hex him whilst he was with Hazel, and Snape knows, he used it to his advantage.

"Severus." Greeted Minerva, coldly, while she greeted Hazel warmly.

He was in trouble.

Severus turned Hazel to look at him, frowning slightly at the chocolate smear on her tiny face, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket he wiped Hazel's face and hands. He rolled his eyes when the younger ladies giggled at his display.

"No more biscuits for you, miss." He told her, "Nonsense," said Minerva, smirking devilishly at him, "Have a biscuit, dearie, do not listen to your git of a godfather." Hazel grinned at the older lady, but looked up to her godfather, "Just one more, please uncle Sev?" Severus sighed, "One more," he conceded, "Merlin, Severus, she has you wrapped." Commented Lupin, Snape just glared at him, knowing it was true.

Merlin help him.


Ehehe, sorry.

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