Chapter 17

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I really hope everyone's doing okay❤️ there have been reasons that I haven't updated but you guys care about the chapter so let's do that instead.

'So let's get started shall we?'

The words echoed in both of their heads, their minds working at 100mph trying to process both what's going on now and what just happened between them although now Harry was involved, the last moment between them was quickly forgotten.

'First.' The words of the woman snapped them both back to reality, 'Harry James Potter, Orphaned Son of James and Lily Potter who tragically died in an accident a few years ago, Sad story, Very sad.' Her words contradicted her face which gave a contented smile.

At the same time, both men agreed that this woman was not someone who they wanted in their home for much longer.

Sirius was the one that acted upon it,
'Tell us why you've invited yourself into our home and started interrogating us with no explanation and then we could be willing to answer said questions.'

Remus smiled; That was the Sirius he knew and....loved?

'Sir, I have come from the Ministry Department for Abnormally Gifted Individuals, we have received intel that there is one, say, Individual in this home that is in possession of certain abilities.'

Dumbledores words echoed back in their heads,

'You just have to keep him concealed for a while, perhaps until he comes up to Hogwarts, from the wizarding world at least, Yes he can go out with some friends but ones that you trust completely with your lives, not that that matters after the Pettigrew situation.. But the ministry is likely to do whatever it takes to have Harry in their care so they can test his so called abilities.'

Had they kept Harry safe and concealed, they hadn't taken him anywhere magical, he hadn't shown any abilities that either of them had noticed, Who has betrayed their trust? Again.

'Mr Lupin, Mr Black?'
The woman's voice snapped them into reality.

'Ma'am I'm extremely sorry to be rude but can you not return another time? Our son is asleep and I fear that the conversing will awake him.'
Remus said in a tactical attempt to get her to leave them the hell alone.
'Sir I must warn you this is of the upmost importance.' She stood up and moved so she was above the two men in a poor attempt of showing dominance.
Sirius stood up so he was then above the woman
'Then, ma'am, it will be of the upmost importance when you send someone we view as important round.'

'Sir!' She looked horrified, 'I am VERY HIGH UP in the ministry and I can SAFELY say that the MINISTER, will NOT be happy with this.'

Remus knew what was coming and braced himself.
'Well tell the Minister to GO F*** *******'
Neither made any attempt to move as she scrambled to get away.
She gave a quick glance before she left.
'Thank you ma'am, I'm sure we'll be in touch' Remus gave a small, sarcastic wave as she left; The door slamming.

The two stared at each other, processing what just happened.
Sirius broke the silence.

'What? Too much?'

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