Chapter 6

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They arrived in Albus Dumbledores office at 1 minute to eleven. Poor Harry was traumatised as he had never travelled by floo before, despite being reassured and comforted by his Godfather before hand.
'Shhhh,' Sirius cooed, 'it will all be okay,You're safe.'
Little did they know Dumbledore himself had just walked in on the scene and was gently smiling to himself.
'I do have some muggle sweets on my desk, might comfort him a little'
The two men looked at the 104 year old warily and Remus gently nudged Harry in the direction of the sweets bowl as he thought it would be impolite to refuse.

Sirius broke the awkward silence, 'What did you call us here for?'
'Ahh yes yes sit down' Albus waved his wand and two brown leather chairs appeared on the other side of his desk from where he was now standing.
Remus was the first to sit down and Sirius followed.
'I assume you won't want Harry to listen in to what I am about to tell you so I will patronus Madam Pomfrey and she can look after him until we are done.'
'No' Sirius burst out. 'He gets scared around other people and I don't want to loose the progress we have already made with him.'
Harry wandered over with wide eyes, 'Is Okay, I can go.' There was no saying no to his face after that.

'Oh okay.' Sirius said reluctantly.

'Excellent' Dumbledore cast his Phoenix patronus which flew out of the window in the direction of the hospital wing.
Almost immediately the Healer assistant house elf arrived outside of the door. 'I am here to collect  Mr Harry Potter, Dumbledore Sir'

'Right Thank you.' and with a Pop they were gone.

'That was his first time apparating.' Remus said, 'I bet he's crying'

'He's in the best hands,' Dumbledore reassured them. 'Now, the subject of Mr Potter...'

'We are trying Albus, He came to us in such a state, We're feeding him 4 meals a day and he's in bed by 7pm...'

'Mr Black'

'We were planning to take him up to Diagon Alley and into Muggle London today to get him some new clothes and shoes...'

'Mr Black'

'And he seems to be settling in although you never know, he's sleeping quite well as far as we know, we're getting a vision charm set up in his room and connecting it to ours so we can make sure though...'


Sirius stopped in his tracks and stared at the professor and then at Remus who was fighting back a smile.

'We are completely confident that you are taking care of Mr Potter to the best of your ability but the ministry has recently made us aware that a few years ago there was a wizard born who posses a few special abilities.'

'Special abilities?' Remus asked concerned, 'What kind of special abilities?'

'Ones that can change the wizarding world completely.'

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