Chapter 16

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Remus entered their home, closing the door with a soft slam with a lethargic Harry in his arms and Sirius walking in front of him.
'What are we watching then?' Sirius said, his voice much louder than it should have been, considering that Harry was asleep.
He got nothing in return other than a look of silence from Remus who carefully walked up the stairs.
Feeling out of place and a little pushed away, Sirius walked into the kitchen area and summoned some pancakes that he had been craving all day. He picked up the plate and walked through into the living room where he sat on the sofa with the remote in his hand, pressing every button trying to get the blasted thing to work.
Looking around to make sure he was as alone as he could be, 'ON'. Nothing happened, he grabbed his wand, 'ON'. Frustrated, he abandoned his pancakes and poked the screen with his wand, a chant of 'ON' getting louder and louder as his frustration increased.
Remus- having just gotten Harry to settle once again- came down the stairs, speaking in a hushed voice 'SIRIUS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING'
Sirius spluttered in response, 'I CAN'T GET IT TO TURN ON'
In the heat of the argument Remus replied,
There was a moment of silence.
'Wow are those pancakes where did you get those from?'
A very obvious avoidance technique and un-remus-ish phrase left his mouth as he covered up the suggestive comment he just made.

'No, No, Remus, What?'
Neither of them had addressed the whole 'them' situation since the incident a few days ago.
'My feeling remain the same Sirius,' He walked over to where the animagus was sitting and sat down next to him.
'What if...'

For a moment the whole world didn't exist. Just each other. They stared into each other's eyes and in that moment, nothing else mattered, only one another.
They leaned in....


The pair sprung apart as they were pulled out of the moment by the door. Neither quite knew what to do or who would get up.


Remus took it upon himself to stand up and go and answer the door, his eyes still meeting Sirius' as he left the sofa.
'Hello?' He questioned as he answered the door to see a skinny woman in a black office suit. Sirius got up to join the other.
'Mr Lupin? Mr Black?' She checked her clipboard and looked up at them both, they shared a confused look.
'I need you to answer a few questions regarding the guardianship of Harry James Potter,' She incited herself in. 'Is now a good time?'
If it wasn't for the condescending smile, they might have been a little less hesitant about the character of the woman.
'Can I sit?' She brushed the stray pancake that had since be forgotten about off of the sofa onto the floor, not waiting for an answer to her question.
The two rushed to sit opposite the woman, as close together as close could be, anxious to get this - what ever it is- over and done with.

'So let's get started shall we?'

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