StOrY tiMe

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---Throwback to 2014-----

"Whats up guys? Fat Lesbian here today we're gonna talk about one of my favorite Youtubers Y/c/n" 

"what the fuck?" i say as i scroll through Twitter. People kept linking me Pyrocynical's new video that happened to be on me i decided to watch it since everyone was talking about how bad it was I watched in astonishment as this gay retard flat out BULLIED me.

------Throwback time Over lmao------

"Come on you guys at least get along for 30 minutes" Eric pleaded as me and Niall refused to even look at each other through the computer screen "Sorry, its against my religion to be friends with a paintbrush" i said smirking Niall rolled his eyes "Oh please, at least I don't look like a 2005 scene kid" Eric slammed his fist on the table to get our attention "Ok that's it NIall im buying you a plane ticket so you and Y/n can stop being ass's to each other its fucking annoying" He shook his head and laughed "You're funny Eric there is  no way i'm flying down there just to hang out with that cunt" "well thats just fine with me ya failed abortion" i laugh and walk to Eric's kitchen

I heard Eric chuckle as Paintbrush scoffs "I got to go" he says and ends the call'

A/n Sorry its short today guys me and my girlfriend broke up and I wasnt too motivated 

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